Chapter 7 - Trauma Bounded

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Friday, October 30th

I consider the fact that since we were just about to get started on dinner, I should probably tell Justin he may get a late call.

9:38pm Krissy: Hey. How was dinner? I just wanted to give you a heads up that we're just now about to start cooking dinner then we're gonna do a movie after. It may be a little late before I get to bed. I know you have your conference in the morning and I hate disturbing your sleep.

I lock my phone and sit it on the counter.

"Are we ready?"I look at Keith.
"Let's get it."

The music blasted through the speakers as everyone cooked their portion. The room was filled with good smells and energy. We all told childhood stories and these were the memories I lived for. I made sure to take pictures to document today and I had to snap a group picture of every one cooking. This just meant a scrapbook was definitely in the works. I'd love to show everyone's kids in the future.

As soon as everyone finally finished, we sat at the kitchen table with the food spread.

"Ya'll this looks and smells so good. I am excited." Haley smiles with excitement. I couldn't agree more.

I pray over the food and we help ourselves.

As we ate, we barely talked. That's how you know the food was good. Everyone did their thing.

"Ya'll put your foot in everything for sure." Mj says as he finishes his last portion.
"Literally. Can we start doing monthly Sunday dinners. Specifically with the southern folk?" Nyla agrees.

"That could be arranged," I laugh.

We finish eating and clean up the kitchen. Samaria served us peach cobbler as we got settled to watch the movie.

"My favorite!" I say as she hands me a plate.

Caleb hits the lights and the movie starts. About halfway in, the doorbell rings. Now who could that be if every one was here? We were four hours away from home and we were in the middle of no where.

Everyone looks at each other confused. Samaria pauses the movie and Caleb gets up to answer the door. He looks through the peephole and looks over at us.

"It's a guy."
"Be careful,"

Keith and MJ stand up to get closer to the door before Caleb opens it slowly. Something about this didn't sit right with me.

"What's up man? Can I help you with something?"
"Is Taylor here?"
"No sir. We don't know a Taylor."
"That can't be right. Taylor lives here."
"Is there a way you can call Taylor? It's possible she could be owner but we're guests on this property right now."

The BnB wasn't owned by a Taylor though. I'm the one who got us this place.

"Can I have a look to make sure?" he asks catching everyone off guard.
"Uh. I don't think that would be a good idea sir. Maybe there's a way you can contact this Taylor but we believe you have the wrong address."

"Close the fucking door." Nyla whispers loudly. I was just as scared as her. I grab my phone.
Mj shuts the door and the doorbell rings again. The knocking continues.

"What does this man want?" Samaria asks with a worried look.

"It's literally midnight. What should we do? Should we answer or ignore him? He'll eventually go away right?" Haley suggests.

Sighing, I try and put my attention on my phone. I notice that Justin had texted back.

9:46 pm Justin - Hey beautiful. Dinner was great, they surprised me with a gift. That definitely made my night. I hope yours was good as well. Call me. I don't have to leave for the conference until about 10.
12:32 am Krissy - Baby.

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