Chapter 14 - Friend or Foe (cont.)

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"Johnathan, your dad's here." I say getting his attention. A smile grows across his face as I walk him to his dad's car.

"As promised," I say as I open the door for Johnathan.
"Thank you so much." He smiles and winks.

"Bye Ms.Johnson!"
"See you tomorrow sweetie," I wave at the both of them. As I turn around to walk towards the door, I could feel his dad's eyes wonder. That's funny.

I laugh to myself as I walk to my office. Samaria had picked up Taylor and Tiana. I still hadn't ate and I was lightheaded so hopefully the meeting goes by fast. Keith was walking by as I neared my office.

"I saw Taylor before she left. She said you didn't eat breakfast. Tiana also added that you didn't eat lunch."
"Nice to hear they're getting along." I say.
"It is but that's not what this conversation is about though. You're taking care of everybody else but make sure you're taking care of yourself too. So did you eat today?"
"Keith. I'm grown. I can take care of myself." I say before walking away. I close my door behind me as I get in my office.

I was slightly irritated. Maybe it was because I hadn't ate but he didn't have to baby me. Kids will definitely tell everything.

Packing everything up, I made sure that everything was ready to go soon as the meeting was over. I walk over the meeting and I sit next to Mr. Williams. The meeting began and my attention instantly drifted away.

"So are we going to address personal relationships." Mrs. Farris says instantly catching my attention.
"Elaborate Mrs. Farris, please." Keith says with a confused looked.
"I think she means when people request to meet with a staff member but one in particular instead of meeting with the head of the building. It can signal that something may be going on between the parent and the worker."Leah says.

Oh I'm about to lose my job, that was my last straw.

"Next time just say my name then. There's nothing going on between the parent and I. I'm positive he requested me because I was once his son's teacher. You're now his teacher and also the reason why his son was getting sent to the wrong car. So while you're questioning my authority, please do so to your own. With that, I feel as If I'm no longer needed. Send an email with anything I miss because I refuse to sit here and be targeted with something that could've been directly said to me."

I leave the room before anyone could say anything. She had some damn nerve. I should've jumped across the table and smacked her. I quickly grab my things from my office and then head to my car. I turn off my phone because I didn't want calls from anyone. I just wanted to pick up the girls, eat something and go to bed. It had been a long day.

After picking up the girls, I head to Chick Fil A since Samaria said they got along very well.

I decide to go through the drive thru instead of eating inside because I was in such a rush to get home. We arrive home and I let Kane out before sitting down to finally eat a meal.

"How was today?" I ask them. I didn't want my negative energy to affect them in anyway.

"I learned some cursive." Tiana says.
"I learned to jump rope." Taylor responds.

"Okay look at ya'll. Learning something new! I'm too proud." 
"What did you do today?" Tiana asks.
"Well I responded to emails, I had a couple of meetings. I was very productive today."
"We're proud of you." Tiana responds putting a smile on my face.

"Awe, that was sweet."
"Can we watch a movie?" Taylor asks.

Truth is, I was exhausted and a movie was definitely not on my to do list but I was thankful the girls were getting along and I didn't want to mess it up.

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