Chapter 16 - Life or Death

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Friday, January 7th

The girls are at the complex. This week after school, I had gotten to immediately go home and rest. It felt amazing to have some alone time again. The kitchen was fully stocked, my house was nice and clean. The girls have gotten used to a stricter routine, which keeps them on track. They have a few more days until they can earn their toys back.

As I'm getting my pedicure, I get a text from Samaria.

4:06 pm - Samaria: You remember the guy I brought to the Christmas party? Girl, I have to tell you what he did! I'm gonna call you tonight.
4:07 pm - Krissy: Uh oh! Okay, I'll be ready.

My hair appointment is at five and that's what I've been looking forward to the most. That's my favorite part of maintenance. A thought pops into my head. I just remembered that Leah was asking for Keith Monday, but what did they really have planned. Maybe I should call and ask him. I know he's at work though and I don't want to disturb him. He's going to drop the girls off at home so I could just ask him then.


After I left my hair appointment, I posted the picture I took at the salon in the mirror to post on my story.

I absolutely loved my hair

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I absolutely loved my hair. As I walked into the house, I smelled food. It smelled like my favorite meal. Walking inside of the kitchen, Keith was making smothered pork chops.

"Ou, this smells good," I say as I approach him. He turns around and smiles instantly,

"You look good. Really good,"
"Thank you," He pecks my lips once before turning back towards the stove.

"The birthday party is tomorrow at three. Around what time were you wanting to go?"
"We can get there around three thirty. I have Lyla's gift in the living room," I say as I lay my head on his back as he cooks. I just loved being in his presence.

"Where are the girls?"
"Taking a bath. I'll be here to pick you guys' up at three then."
"Okay, that works. Oh and I have a question." This is the perfect time to ask about Leah.

"Leah asked where you were on Monday since you weren't returning her calls. Did you guys' have something planned?"
"We were supposed to start planning a bake sale for the kids to get involved in."
"Correct me If I'm wrong but I thought the planning events was my job. Sorry if I sound like that person." I say immediately realizing I sounded rude.

"Actually, never mind it doesn't matter," Before he could respond, I walk upstairs to shower. As I come back downstairs, I hear the girls and Keith talking at the kitchen table. Kane was asleep near the couch. They probably wore my baby out.

Walking into the kitchen, I join them at the table.

"Mama."Taylor looks over at me.
"Yes, baby."
"My birthday is next month,"
"I know. Are you excited?"
"Yeah, I get to be a big girl."
"Yes, you're growing up fast." I smile at her.

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