Chapter 5

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Amelia sat on the edge of the bed, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Her body was sore and her mind was still reeling from the events of earlier. She went into the bathroom and, as she stood in front of the mirror, she saw the bruises and marks that littered her body.

Her thighs were covered in dark handprints, her neck had angry red marks, and her breasts were sore and tender. Tears filled her eyes as the reality of what had just happened started to settle in. She had tried to tell him to stop, to slow down, but he had ignored her, caught up in his own passion.

She never thought she would be afraid of her own husband, but after what had happened between them just now, she couldn't shake the feeling of fear that lingered in the back of her mind. Owen had always been a passionate and intense lover, but he had always been mindful of her needs and boundaries. This time, it was as if he didn't care about anything except his own pleasure.

She couldn't look at him, couldn't even bear to be in the same room as him. She felt violated, like her body was just something for him to take his anger out on, as though he didn't even care if he hurt her. More than anything, it was the realization of how much stronger he was than her, how easily he had taken her, that made her feel terrified. It made her feel nauseous.

"Amelia," she heard his muffled voice from outside the bedroom door, "Can I come in?" Another tear fell from her eye as she heard his strained voice, clearly conveying his regret. What should have been a passionate night turned into something else entirely.

She knew she had to face him, but the thought made her stomach churn. In a stupid argument, things had escalated into a heated and out of character sexual experience, leaving them both feeling uncomfortable and unsure about the future of their relationship.

Amelia regretted it all. Even though she knew Owen would never intentionally hurt her, the combination of miscommunication and unresolved anger had led them down a destructive path. She couldn't shake off the emotions that were bubbling at the surface, and she felt ashamed to say that, for the first time, she was genuinely afraid of him.

She went back to their bed and brought her legs to her chest, wrapping the blanket around her and squeezing herself tightly. Her body no longer felt like her own.

"Amelia," he said, just above a whisper, "I'm coming in, okay?" She listened as he slowly unlocked the door, and then it opened, revealing a guilt ridden ginger. He could see the tension in her body as he approached her, and he realized that he had done something very wrong.

He knelt in front of her and tried to take her hands, but she pushed him away, tears streaming down her face again.

"Stop," she sputtered, her entire body trembling with fear and pent-up frustration.

He couldn't help but feel hurt by her actions, but it was then that he looked at all of her that he realized what he had done. Owen watched in shock as he took in the bruises on her body. He hadn't even realized how rough he had been until now. He'd been so consumed by his own anger and frustration that he hadn't paid attention to Amelia's pleas.

"Did I do this to you?" he asked, the confusion and regret evident in his voice.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to speak. She nodded her head, and Owen's heart ached. He had never wanted to hurt her, he loved her more than anything in this world.

"I'm sorry, Amelia. I don't know what came over me," Owen whispered, his voice trembling with emotion, "I never meant to hurt you." She couldn't look at him, and he could see that, which only made him feel worse. "I love you more than anything, Amelia."

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