Chapter 13

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Monday, 29th May 2017.

Amelia didn't talk anymore. Not because she couldn't, she just didn't. It was weird, seeing as she always had something to talk about, even when she didn't.

She didn't talk the entire week she spent at the hospital, after being extubated. She didn't talk through the physical therapy sessions that were required both in and, once she was discharged, out of the hospital, mostly making faces when she felt pain while walking. She didn't respond when Owen had told her about the birthday party he'd manged to scrap together for Ryan's birthday. She especially didn't talk to Derek. She wouldn't even look at him.

She didn't talk much to the therapist, although he'd managed to come to the conclusion that Amelia's anger towards Derek was because of the nature of the accident. And then eventually, she refused to see the therapist at all.

Worst of all, on top of not speaking to anyone, she would constantly have a hand on her lower abdomen. Even now, as Owen drove her home, her hand was there, like it had been since the day he told her they lost the twins. He hated looking at her and seeing it there. He didn't realise until then how much he missed her talking his ear off; the silence was unbearable.

What hurt Owen the most was the fact that the only person, who'd heard her speak more than a sentence in the last two weeks, was Ryan. That the only person that could've gotten her to walk, even when she didn't want to, was Ryan.

"Careful," Owen said as he helped her out of his truck, balancing her crutches in one hand and her torso in the other.

"Ow," she whispered as her cast landed a little too hard on the floor.

"Sorry." He handed her the crutches and watched as she hobbled out of his way so he could close the door.

Tuesday, 23rd May 2017

"Take your time," the therapist said as Owen stood cautiously on her left side, his arms slightly out in case she fell. Gripping the walker tightly, Amelia rolled it forward and stepped with her right leg first. Although the air cast made it rather heavy and painful to lift, it was easier to move the injured foot in front of her. The harder part was putting pressure on that same leg so that she could move her left foot forward. The moderate numbness she felt from her healing spinal injury didn't make it any easier.

She stared at her leg for a solid minute before pulling back and sitting down on the bed. She averted her eyes to her hands in her lap, while Owen and the therapist shared a look of disappointment.

Stooping down in front of her, Owen tried to meet her gaze. "Amelia...why don't you want to walk?" Her gaze moved between the two men in front of her.

He stood to ask the therapist to leave, but the man had already sensed his presence was unwanted. "I'll wait outside," he told the couple. Once the door was closed, Amelia sighed and rested her head against Owen's mid-torso.

"What's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, "Does your leg hurt?" He felt her shake her head against him. "Is anything hurting?" Taking one of his hands away from her shoulder, Amelia brought it to her chest and over her heart before wrapping her arms tightly around him. He could already feel her tears soaking his shirt.

As she walked through the front door of her house, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she took in the familiar scent of her home.

But her moment of peace was short-lived.

"Surprise!" both Owen and Amelia heard as they entered the house. There, in the living room, stood Meredith, Derek, Maggie, Richard, Callie, Arizona and Jackson, along with their respective children. They had balloons, streamers, and a big banner that read 'Welcome Home, Amelia!' She couldn't help the sad, yet angry tears that formed in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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