Part 1.

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After returning home from the Guanyin temple, weiying wasn't seeming to be his fullest and Wangji notices that change, but he hoped with time everything will be good. And finally he bought Weiying back to Gusu, like he always wanted to, and Weiying is here now, is like a fulfilment of his dream, but things aren't very simple or astonishing as they imagined the feelings of lost is there in everyone's heart, cos everyone lost something yesterday.

But with time everyone imagined the things will heal.

After arriving in gusu, many things had been changed, the wall of rules too.

Now the wall of rules has another 50 rules added when Weiying returned to Gusu.

'Do not interact with Wei Wuxian, Do not stay with him at the same place, Don't talk with him, Do not let him teach you a crooked path, ...'
And so on many other rules added and many had been reconstructed to ensure that no one will stay besides Wei Wuxian, and even after his reputation is cleared he's not liked by them, and anyone can imagine that these rules have been designed by Lan Qiren himself.

Indeed Weiying feel suffocated with it, but it's not something new, he's used to this injustice and unfair treatment, but Lan Wangji was trying his best to make Weiying comfortable and Weiying is happy to see Lan Wangji by his side and they both need no one else in their lives except each other.

With the time pass, Wangji do notice the change in his Weiying behaviour, how less he speaks, his cheerful Weiying was trying very hard to pretend happy in front of Wangji but Wangji can see through his smile how fake it is, the only time Weiying smiles are, when they're not in gusu.

But Wangji was trying his hard to know the reason behind it, and do everything in his hand to make Weiying happy.

Time flows and six months passed, only Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi stay with Weiying in Jingshi and some other junior disciples come to greet Weiying.


One night Wangji and Weiying was sleeping in the room cuddling each other, inhaling the sweet fragrance coming from incense burner...

Inside dream

'Master Wie, how do you know this place? Please don't tell me you and Hanguang-Jun have arrived here on your vacation' Jin Gunagyao said.

'Whatever the reason is, it's none of your business, you're not in the position to ask!' Wangji said but as he's inside the dream, no one notices him or able to hear him.

'Lian Fang Zun, you hide quite a big land deed in the secret chamber of the fragrant palace,
right beside my manuscripts. Don't you remember?' Weiying commented, it's indeed true, we find about this in the Hidden Chamber of Jin Sect leader.

'Oh, that would be my fault. I should've put them separately.' Jin Guanguao said in the tone carry no regret or fear.

Brother move forward and went near.

'Ashamed. I was fooled by lies and lost my spiritual powers, even though I carry shuoyue and liebing, they will not be of much help.' Ze Wu Zun said.

It's not like when Weiying and I come to you with proofs you believed it, you should have, if you do, you won't be in this situation brother. Wangji thought.

'No need to feel ashamed. After all, lying is one of Lian Fang Zun's greatest skills.' Weiying said, my Weiying is still genuine in this situation.

'Hanguang-Jun, is not with you' Jin Guangyao asked.

I clinches my hands, like why he has to ask, who's he, and in what position he hold to ask.

'How are you so sure that Hanguang-Jun would come?' Weiying asked.

'Of course he'll come. since you were suspicious of this guanyin temple Hanguang-Jun naturally will know that there was something strange here.' Jin Guangyao said.

'Young master Wei, if Wangji is around, why is he not with you?' Brother asked.

It's like he's imitating the sect leader Jin question in different words.

'We split up.' Weiying replied.

And I remember about the incident which occurred before we split, our hot night comes in my mind where I was drunk and Weiying misunderstood a few things but it's not a time to think about it. I come out of my thoughts with brother's voice.

'I heard you injured yourself, when you left burial mound' Brother said.

How he know? I thought, as he was not there and haven't in contact with any person outside, means it's Jin Guangyao who told him.

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