The Beginning

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Let's go to the book of Genesis.
Which I think many of us have heard about if not read about.

How God created the heavens and the earth, the animals etc and most importantly how God created man in His image.

So as we read this section in Genesis 1:26
'Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness... "'

I always wondered who is the 'us' that's mentioned, God and the Angels?

I was brave enough to ask one of my family members and he told me that the 'us' refers to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I was like oh okay, that's why the Bible mentions the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
Yes this passage I knew but not who the 'us' was in Genesis.

I honestly thought that Jesus was an afterthought, this great idea from God to come and save the world you know, allow them to sin and feel the wrath of God and as we think there is no hope left.. BOOM!!!
Jesus comes and swoops in like Superman to save us.

Boy was I wrong.

Jesus was never the afterthought, he was and is the Author.

When God created Adam, there was an open heaven; an open relationship.
When Adam woke up he got up with joy and authority.
He spoke to God and God spoke to him directly, there was no worry about paying bills, kids, bonds, school fees, car payments etc. He just got up and enjoyed the richest of the world around him in the garden of Eden that God provided him with, he had everything and here today we need to pay for the free fruit and veggies that grow out of the soil that God has blessed us with, all because of one sin.

God gave Adam work to name the animals and other things to keep him busy during the course of the day and now bare in mind, the Bible says that 1 day is like 1000 for God and 1000 is like 1 day.
So days and years probably passed and God could see Adam has everything he could possibly need and want and he talks to God freely yet something was amiss.

One day God put Adam in a deep sleep and out of that sleep and rib came Eve.

As we all probably know the fall of man came through Eve, as the serpent tempted Eve, Eve tempted Adam and when Adam ate of the fruit (fruit and not Apple!) the world fell, everything good was compromised.

They had everything and yet the one thing that God asked of them not to touch... They just couldn't resist and one sentence caused them to rethink everything.
Like Satan wanted to be like God, he tested Eve "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

And just like that, they ate of the fruit and sinned...

God cursed the earth and said the woman will have bad birth pains.

God never cursed man!!

Mans authority and dominion was removed/taken away based on the sin and Satan became the god of this world.

But God never cursed man...

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