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As discussed in the previous chapter the 'I Am' we now move on to being chosen.

Nothing in this world and life ever happens perchance, people talk about fate, destiny, soul mates, the universe and all these other things; but it's so shallow and a bit narrow-minded if you think about it.

Why fate when there is faith? 

You need faith to drive or travel daily be it to work or any other place, the most common example is sitting on a chair; you never examine a chair b before you sit on it, if it looks solid enough to hold your weight you'll automatically sit on it without thinking twice. So that tells me that the bible is correct when saying everyone has been given a measure of faith.

I don't believe in coincidences, I did in the past. Still, certain things just had to be divine intervention (some would say) so I went from thinking about 'destiny' to rather being destined meaning nothing happens just because and when it does it's not a coincidence but it all happens for a reason be it good or bad. The Bible says God knows the end from the beginning so nothing is ever perchance but perfectly designed by God.

We become fixated on soulmates and the idea of the perfect person is out there based on movies we watch. The Bible does not mention anything about soulmates so this is a man made thing to believe when you meet someone you will just know they're the one and live happily ever after.

This new age nonsense of the universe, fair enough it's not something that just started with this generation, it's been around but this generation has just become more outspoken with what they believe is right and what should be normal; I really don't understand why people would talk about or worship the 'universe' when you can worship the King and Creator of the universe.

It's so true when Jesus called this generation a perverse generation, he did not curse the generation he basically warned everyone about what was to come.

We are a generation of compromise, instead of standing for what God says we look for scriptures to scrutinize to use to our advantage.

In order to make people feel good about themselves and their confusion instead of helping them spiritually they are further being led into the Abyss, into their wrong.

How soon until we say rapist and murderers can't help themselves it's how they were born, it's how God created them in order for them to be understood by a community and the world.

We look for any way to make one wrong thing right in the eyes of man and the same thing in a different category so so wrong when everything is still sinful and wrong in the eyes of God.

God created Male and Female (Genesis 1:27)
No in between, God did not create sin nor murderers these are things man brought upon themselves by listening to the voice of the Devil and on impulses instead of the soft small voice of God.

God created you with a purpose for a purpose despite the horrible life choices we make on a daily basis you are not too far down the rabbit hole for salvation trust me.

When God formed you in your mother's womb he created you with a purpose not to come and look for what the world says you are and should be but God has already said who you are and what your purpose is, we are just too busy listening to the loud voices around us and the views of this corrupt world to know of even feel chosen.

The word of God says he will never leave you nor forsake you, what other religion gives you that promise.
You weren't a mistake even if you were unplanned by your parents or given up for adoption or rejected, God made you and chose you!

You are never too far to get saved, there is nothing you can do or say to make God love you more or less, he gave his only begotten Son for our salvation; that is the ultimate love and sacrifice.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 14 ⏰

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