I Am Not Forgotten, God Knows My Name

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What is in a name?

Have you noticed or read in the Bible that God changed to names of a few people both in old and new Testament.

First person who gets a name change was Abrah - Abraham and the last person to get a name change is Saul - Paul.

Let me put it this way, they didn't get a name change oh no, they got/received new names.

When we choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior something happens in the spiritual realm. You see we do not get a name change, we receive a new name.

In the Old Testament an Angel comes to a servent of God whose name was Gideon and the Angel calls him "mighty warrior", wow.

You see, some names carry a curse and that's why God needs to change it, whereas some of us think so little of ourselves yet heaven calls us mighty warriors.

Sometimes God needs to change our names in order to change how we see ourselves!
Sometimes God has to remove the old/past in order for us to see the new and look forward.
Sometimes God has to take us out of our comfort zones to see our purpose.

Is he made us in His image and likeness why do we think so little of ourselves??
O you see I think some of us needs a name change!
Some of us needs a new identity.

Some people have been raised with nicknames that has negativity and curses attached to it so whenever you are called out on that name someone is actually cursing you.

Names such as idiot, slow, silly etc
It's small things like this that have a huge impact on how we see ourselves and others, but today it changes because I'm here to tell you that you have a heavenly name!

Whether it be mighty man or woman, whether it be Evangelist, daughter of the most high God, idk what heaven is calling you but I know it's not stupid or ugly or anything negative for that matter so if God isn't calling you that then why are you accepting others calling you that?
Why are you calling yourself that?

Here in South Africa in my specific race group we have bad habits of name calling people, it's very rare that you grew up in your household being called the name your parents gave you, even they don't call you by your name as well as family.

The power that is in a name is so amazing but we take it so lightly. I'm giving you homework lol.
Google and do research on your name and tell me what it means.

I no longer just go by my name even though it means beauty and wisdom you see most of my family call me by a nickname and I don't even know what that means but I've been given such a beautiful name and I do have both beauty and wisdom but I do not know what is linked to that other name I'm being called by most of the time.

Once I got saved I knew about Jesus but I didn't know Jesus.
The more I spent time reading my Bible, talking and praying to God I started realizing omw I have a new name and a new identity, for the word says that anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as lord and Savior is now a new creation in Christ the old has passed away.

So in other words I am now a Child of the Most High God, I am called daughter and my identity is I am a kingdom citizen and I rule/seated in heavenly places with Jesus (why? Because the word of God says so).

Guys these aren't things I'm making up these are the promises of God to his children, He tells us who we are and what our inheritance is.

You see when someone dies usually a will is left behind and where there is a Will there is a family member :).
When Jesus died, he left a Will with inheritance behind for you and I, but what are we doing?? Absolutely nothing!

We are not our own anymore, we have a new identity when we are saved and therefore we cannot call ourselves nothing and negative things because God calls us blessed and his own so if I belong to the King of the Universe surely I am more than enough and I need to start thinking and acting like a princess and not a tramp (if that makes sense)
I need to carry myself differently now because I represent royalty, I can't just do whatever I want because the paparazzi might get a snap of it and it'll be in the headlines and papers of hell saying "Child of God, fornicating and drinking at club on Saturday evening before Church".

The whole of hell will be celebrating while heaven hurts because as I child of God with a new name and identity I should know better.

So when you get saved, it's not for people without a backbone ya'll we need a whole character and personality check, we can't be gangsters no more; we're being moved up to the most upperclass neighborhood ever and we need to show that we belong here do to out actions how we represent ourselves.

The Cost of Salvation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora