Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

" Where is Tony ? " Zoey asked as she walked into Zo's room where everyone , well mostly everyone was making plans for the night .

" Him and Flo went to look around the hotel " Zo lied knowing good and damn well Tony was going to sell PED's to some football players . He would never tell that to Zoey though because she always did the most when it came to Tony and the way that he chose to make money  .

Tony was what they called an industry dealer . Thanks to his brother in laws he had a nice connection to the entertainment industry. He made the most money from selling drugs to celebrities .
Athletes were his tops clients , some of the best athletes were taking performance enhancement drugs and paying a pretty penny to make sure that no one found out about it . The crazy things is , some of the coaches were the one sending them Tony's way .

He still supplied the streets with drugs but he knew better than to be running the streets and getting too much attention on him . The cops have been trying to get him locked down for a minute and he wasn't about to put himself in a predicament to make it happen easy . His friend , Flo handled the street aspect of the business while Tony dealt with the celebrities .

" Look around for what ? " She asked skeptically. 

" To see what all they have in here Zoey damn " Zo said irritated .

" you don't have to be so mean about it " she said rolling her eyes. " what are we about to do ? " She asked looking to her older sisters.

" are yall not tired from that long ass flight ? " Zo asked looking at them like they were crazy . He was ready to take a nap after flying for hours and they all were ready to find some shit to get into .

" it wasn't even that long " Kayla said . " but I don't care what we do "

" I wanna go walk the strip and go shopping " Nadia said while looking to Derrick to let him know to get ready to spend some money.

" We can do that and then we go in some Casinos " He agreed with her.

" sounds like a plan , i'll call Leila and see if she wants to come with us . I know from Zion that the players are gonna be busy all day practicing and going over plays so she might need something to do " Kia said causing Lo to suck his teeth .

" if you invite her ima just head to Taijaes crib " Lo said not in the mood to be around Leila again . He went from barely seeing her to over the course of three years to now being constantly put in the same space as her .

He was over her , but he didn't like the feeling of being the same room as her knowing that they were now basically strangers with two separate lives apart from each other.

" Nigga stop fronting like you don't enjoy her company. Yall was just best friends earlier eating chicken wings and shit. Stop trying to act so hard and admit you still love her . " Zo teased him

" I don't " He denied it

" I can't tell the way you was about to fight me over her earlier " Julez teased him . Julez was never serious when he messed with Lo about Leila he just liked doing it because he thought it was funny how worked up Lo got over her but claimed he couldn't stand her.

" I wasn't about to fight you over her , I just wanted you to mind your business and another thing yall always want mess with me yall never tell this nigga nothing , he be acting like he want her still " Lo said .

" No I don't , me and Leila are just friends . We can be friends because we're both over our little fling we had yall can't be friends because yall still love each other but too prideful to admit it "

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