Worse Pt. 2

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(Dark Haired Percy)

⚠️(Mention of SH)⚠️


I finally tell him what I've been hiding for the past few months.

" I feel like ever since Crystal should up, and no hate to her, I'm not good enough lately. For anything. Crystal is literally perfect and I'm just...old news. I'm not perfect and I'm not Crystal. She is everything I'm not. She has amazing hair, beautiful eyes, a nice laugh, a pretty smile, she's good at everything, she's talented, she's powerful, she makes friends so easily, she's confident, she has the perfect body, she works hard, she's loved by everyone, she's just better than me in every way. It hurts me to even think that I was useful until she came along. She is so much more than me and I could never be as good as her. It's been bothering me for ever now and I guess it was just too much." I say as Percy listens with a sadden looked.

It goes quite as he looks at me. " I'm sorry" I say averting his gaze. He brings his finger to my chin and pulls my face back to look at him in the eyes. " N/N, you are gorgeous and you are perfect. Maybe not to everyone else but who cares? You're perfect to me and that's all I care about. You are perfect because you are you. You're not Crystal, you're not Annabeth, you're not Clarisse. You are you, and that's better than anything I could ever ask for." he says looking me deep in the eyes.

I swallow as my face turns red. No one has ever said anything like that to me and actually...mean it. " You are not "worthless" and you are not "not good enough". I don't want to hear you say that ever again. And this?" he gestures to my wrists " is not how you should fix anything. If you hear these voices, you come to me. If you feel like you want to hurt yourself, you come to me. If you feel useless or pathetic or not good enough, guess what?" he asks raising his eyes brows.
" I go to you" I say finishing his sentence as he intended. " Exactly" he says smiling. I chuckle at his smile.

" Mmm there's the laugh I love so much" he says squeezing me in his arms. I laugh more at his words and he kisses my head again. I look up at him flustered. " Why do you keep doing that?" I ask.
" What?" he asks. " You keep kissing my head" I reply. " I do?" he asks. I nod smiling. " Oh, sorry. I meant to kiss these" he says before leaning his head down and kissing my lips.

My eyes widen but I soon relax and give in to his soft, warm lips. They felt so good on mine and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. It was magical and sent shocks through my body. His hands massage on my waist and my arms were wrapped around his torso.

He pulls away with a smirk. " Is that better?" he asks looking down at me. " Yes" I cheekily reply. He chuckles and hugs me tighter before planting another kiss on my lips. " I cannot tell you how long I've wanted to do this" he says. " Really?" I ask surprised.
" Ha! You have no idea" he says. I raise my eyebrows.
" No idea, huh?" I ask teasingly. " Ok, ok" he says. I just laugh and rest my head on his shoulder. " I love you so much, N/N. I hope you see that you are perfect in my eyes and that's all that should matter" he whispers into my ear. I smile with warmth and kiss his cheek. " I love you too, Percy. Thank you for everything" I reply before closing my eyes.

I drift to sleep with the smell of his cologne and the feeling of his arms around me like a barrier of protection. I love him so much. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He is my reason to be better.

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