Valentines Day Pt. 1

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(Dark Haired Percy)

(Ik Valentine's day was months ago but I made this months ago and I forgot it was in my drafts soooo yea, ENJOY!)


It's February 12th, two days before Valentine's day, and I'm lonely, per usual. I don't think I've had a valentines since I was 5 years old. And it was my half brother! Of course, we didn't know we were half siblings till Mr. D told us. But still.

All my friends are getting asked out by their crushes and I have no one. I mean, I do have a crush on someone but he definitely doesn't like me.

If you're wondering who that 'someone' is, it's.....Percy Jackson.

Yea, I know right. Me, liking the son of Poseidon and probably the most popular guy at camp ever since he came back from his quest. Yes, I'm friends with Percy and that's an even bigger problem! How can I have a crush on one of my best friends and the most popular person I know?!

He probably already has a girlfriend for valentine's day or something! Ughhh!

This is why I hate Valentine's day!


Percy's POV:

It's February 12th, two days before Valentine's day, and my crush on this girl is getting bigger, per usual. Grover keeps saying I need to tell her but I don't think he's actually seen her before. She's drop dead gorgeous! Absolutely perfect! And 100% a goddess!

Literally everyone is getting asked out by their crushes and I really want to ask this girl. I mean, I've had a crush on her ever since I saw her but she definitely doesn't like me.

If you're wondering who this girl is, it's......Y/N Y/L/N.

Yea, I know right. Me, liking the daughter of Apollo and probably the most confident girl at camp ever since she came here. Yes, I am friends with Y/N and that's an even bigger problem! How can I have a crush on one of my best friends, the most confident person I know!

She probably already has a boyfriend for Valentine's day or something! Ughhh!

This is why I hate Valentine's day!



I was eating lunch with Annabeth when I hear and see Percy and all his friends walking to their table. He looks over at me and smiles sweetly. I smile back as I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. He sits down with his friends and starts eating.

" Hey, Y/N? You good?" Annabeth asks me, waving a hand in my face. " Huh? Oh! Yea, I'm fine" I reply looking back at her. " Who are you staring at?" she asks looking over my shoulder. " No one. Just looking around" I reply trying to play it cool.

" Y/N. I know you better than that. I'm your best friend and I can tell when somethings up with you" she says raising an eyebrow at me. I look away with guilt.
" Is it Percy?" she asks. I let out a deep sigh. " How'd you know?" I ask looking back at her. " Because like I said, I'm your best friend and I know you" she reply's proudly. I roll my eyes before covering my face with both hands.

" So, what is it?" she asks. " Uhm, I think I might like him" I say, my voice muffled from my hands. " Ha! Knew it" she says with a smug look. " Annie! This is not cool! What do I do?" I ask removing my hands from my face. " Well, since Valentines day is just around the corner, tell him" she says nonchalantly.

Bruh, is she for real?

" And how exactly do I do that? He's my best friend and besides, he probably doesn't even like me that way" I reply. " Or he does like you and is planning on asking you out himself" she says shrugging. " Yea, right, cause someone like him totally likes someone like me" I say sarcastically before putting my head down on the table.

" Oh come on, N/N. Don't be so hard on your self. I'm sure he has some sort of feelings for you" she says trying to cheer me up. I was expecting her to say something else but was surprised when I feel someone sit down next to me. They were sitting side ways on the stone bench so one of their legs were on each side of it as they faced me.

" Hey, you alright, Gem?" a familiar voice says. Hearing that nickname tells me exactly who it is. I look up and see Percy with his obnoxiously cute smile and sparkling sea green eyes that glitter in the sun. His stupid long eyelashes and soft raven hair that is always somehow effortlessly perfect. His sharp chiseled jawline and incredibly hot Adam's Apple. He's literally a god and I'm just me. How in the Greek Mythology world am I going to tell him I like him?

My face immediately starts to turn pink and I feel it getting hot. " Mm?" I ask stupidly as I try to think of words to say. He chuckles a little before asking again.
" Are you alright? I noticed you looked upset about something. I just wanted to make sure you're ok". He puts his hand on my shoulder and starts massaging it a little. I tense up which I could tell he noticed once he looked me in the eyes.

" I-uhm. I'm fine" I finally reply. Gosh darn it, Y/N. Why did you have to stutter? Now he definitely knows somethings wrong.

He raises his eyebrow at me but then looks away when he notices Annabeth standing up. " Sorry guys. I gotta get to my next training class. I'll see you both later" she says before giving me an encouraging look and walking away. I sigh which catches Percy's attention.

" Hey, come on now. I'm your best friend. You know you can tell me anything" he says. I look up at him unsure but the look in his eyes makes me want to give in and just tell him everything. Thank fully, just before I could completely embarrass myself. Luke calls my name from across the pavilion. " Let's go! We gotta take care of the pegasus's today!" he shouts over to me.

I look at Percy and smile nervously. " Sorry, Perc. I gotta go help Luke" I say standing up. I turn to walk away but he stands up and grabs my arm, turning me around. " You'll tell me what's wrong later, right?" he asks looking down at me.

Gods, I can't with those eyes.

" Y-yea. Later" I reply nodding a little. He smiles softly before doing the unexpected. He steps closer and puts his free hand on the side of my head. He tilts my head up a little more and places a quick and gentle kiss on the crown of my head.

He looks at me and smiles before letting go of my arm. " I'll see you later then" he says softly and then walks away.

Oh. My. Gods.

Percy just kissed me! Well, not on the lips, but still! What the actual Hades! I never thought that would happen. I can't believe it. Does he actually like me too?

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