Drunken Words

373 4 14

(Dark Haired Percy)

⚠️Sexual Content⚠️

(For the plot, let's pretend that Percy is 18,
Y/N is 17, Annabeth is 17, Grover is 18, Luke is 19, and Clarisse is 18. Also, let's pretend that the drinking and alcohol is fine)

I was excited for tonight's bonfire because Luke filled me in on some stuff saying how Chris and a few of his friends got some liquor when they snuck out of camp.
I've never really drank before but I'm sure it'll be fine.
Everyone was setting up already and I started heading over as well. I see Percy, my best friend, Annabeth, my other best friend, and Grover, my other, other best friend sitting at a picnic table.

I walk over and sit right next to Percy and across from Annabeth. Percy smiles and wraps an arm around my shoulders. He pulls me into his side.

Him and I have been friends since we were 12 years old and I couldn't have asked for a better best friend. He means so much to me and he's helped me through my rough demigod life just as I have helped him. We stick by each other's side no matter what. If one of us has a quest, the other comes along. If one gets hurt, the other tends to them. If one is in trouble, the other takes the blame and gets punished also. If one is in danger, so is the other. If one is training, their partner is most likely the other. If you see one, you will most certainly see the other right by them.

He's like my partner in crime, ride or die, 4lifer, other half, my twin. He's always been there and understands me more than I probably understand myself. Being Percy's Jackson's best friend comes with its perks.

A few perks, are that he will randomly gift me things like crafts he made for me or flowers he finds in the fields. He also sneaks into my cabin at night to play uno and board games with me. He's very affectionate and clingy. He is a physical touch kind of person so he is always touching me somehow. I know that sounds weird but I'm talking about like, he has his arm around my shoulders, he hugs me all the time, rests his head on top of mine since he's a lot taller than me, and if we are sitting next to each other then he'll put his legs across my lap and give me an annoyingly bright smile.

Ya know, touchy like that. Which is fine with me but sometimes, him literally jumping onto my back every day can have me waking up with sore muscles. He always says I'll be fine or I'm just exaggerating but not gonna lie, he's heavy. I mean, he should know that. He's 6'2, 175 pounds, and a 18 year old boy. And I am Y/H, Y/W, and a 17 year old girl.

But anyways.

I rest my head on his shoulder and smile at Annabeth. " You ready for tonight's bonfire?" she asks. " 100%!" I reply. Percy chuckles. " I heard Chris has some drinks he wants specifically you to try" Grover says pointing to me. I raise an eye brow and lift my head up.
" Really? Well, then. Tonight's gonna be really fun" I smirk making them all laugh.

Luke calls us over as the bonfire begins. Excited, I get up onto to the picnic table's seat. Percy knew what I was doing so he stood in front of me and I climbed onto his back. " Let's go, Blue!" I say pointing to the bonfire as I see they already have one going. He laughs and we start walking over.  We find some seats and sit down. I hop off Percy's back as I sit down next to him. " I'll go get the drinks" Annabeth says walking over to a table. " So, who do you think will get the drunkest tonight?" Grover asks. " Mmm definitely Will or Percy" I reply.

" Me? Wow, you think so highly of me, don't you?" Percy asks. " Yup" I reply, popping the 'p'. He chuckles and rolls his eyes. " I think it will be either Chris ooorrrrr....Yea, me" he says. " Told you" I say nudging his arm. " Yea, my money is on Chris" Grover says gesturing to the boy as he already has two drinks in his hands. We laugh as he goofs around to get Clarisse's attention.

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