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Chloe: Becca?

Becca: oh hey beb..what's up? You're still awake?  :/ its like 1:30 in the morning.

Chloe:  yeah I kinda just woke up now :(

Becca: :o oh how come? What happened? :(

Chloe: well I had a nightmare :( and I'm scared..can I come over to your dorm and sleep with you, just for tonight  please...but only if you want me to..and why are you still up? :/

Becca: are you for real? Chlo you don't need to ask me..just come over babe...oh I'm up on my lappy mashing up some songs :)

Chloe: aww cool and thanks love..but isn't Fat Amy there with you? She's your roommate right?

Becca: yeah Fat Amy is my roommate..but she's with Bumber and will be back Iike early in the morning :) So'll just be me and you ;)

Chloe: Don't give me that winky face :p I'm actually coming over to sleep with you because I'm really scared :(

Becca: hahaha ok ok fine :) I'll prepare Fat Amy's bed for you want 1 pillow or 2 ?

Chloe: Fat Amy's bed?? But I want to sleep with you, in your bed, I want you to cuddle me :(

Becca:  aww ok. I'll cuddle with you till you sleep :) You big baby :p Get your ass here asap. Can't wait to hold you :)

Chloe: YaaY and yes I'm your big baby  ;) I'm on my way now.

Becca: Hurry up will yah. x  ∆_∆ ☺

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