The First Plan

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Samantha quickly got up and grabbed the bat. She didn't actually know how to use the gun, at least not well enough to be shooting it towards her family. She ran over to the stairs and hit the thing as hard as she could, but she was too late to get there and Levi had gotten bitten by the thing. He had been bitten on the arm. Sam started hitting the thing repetitively in the head while it was still on the ground from the first hit. After Sam had beaten the thing until it no longer tried to get back up, she turned to her siblings. She was covered in blood from smashing the thing's head and from Jane, she couldn't tell how much of it had actually come from the thing and what had come from Jane. Abigail was terrified. Terrified of the monsters that now seemed to be everywhere, terrified for her little brother, and terrified of her sister. In that moment, after watching her sister beat the monster and seeing her covered in blood, she feared her sister. She looked just as scary as the things running around killing people. Samantha stepped towards Levi to examine his arm when Abigail stepped away from the pair in fear. Samantha had never seen her sister so scared and felt a pang of pain in her heart that she was the thing Abby feared. She didn't have time to worry about that because she had to help Levi with his arm. The little boy was still stood sobbing and holding his arm.” Hey let me see buddy.” When she looked, she was disgusted and felt like puking. She was never good with blood or the sight of it, but she had to get over it. The bite mark was clear as day and if they were to get cops involved, they could use the mark to find what the guy's teeth had looked like and make an exact model if they wanted but something told Samantha that there weren't really cops anymore. It wasn't too deep, but it was deep enough to bleed a good amount. Samantha needed the peroxide and the gauze from the upstairs bathroom, but she didn't want to leave her brother and sister down there, and Levi was not moving until his arm stopped hurting as badly. If she could, she would just carry him upstairs, but he was too big for her to carry all the way up the stairs. She would fall backwards and end up hurting Levi even worse. So she went with the only other option. Abby. “ Abbs, I need you to go upstairs to the bathroom and get the peroxide and the gauze. It's in the cabinet.” Abigail just stood there. She was still stunned by everything that had happened in such a short time.” Abby! I need the stuff from the bathroom! I can't go get it. I have to stay here with Levi. Please, Abbs, go grab it and come right back.” “ok.” Abigail went up the stairs and grabbed the materials needed for Levi’s arm. Samantha felt bad for yelling at her sister in such a hard time, but she was stressed out and it seemed to be the only way to get Abby to listen. While Abby was gone upstairs, Levi was still crying, but the pain had subsided enough for him to speak. “Sammy, it hurts. Really bad.” “Hey I know, bud. Abby will be right back with the stuff to fix it.” Just as Samantha had said, Abigail was back with the stuff in hand, giving it to her sister. Samantha was just getting ready to clean the wound when she had a thought. This was gonna hurt and probably make Levi cry even louder, and if there were any more of those things outside, they needed to be quiet, just in case. Sam couldn't protect them if another one of those things got inside. Sure, she could lock the door, but she didn't know how long that would last. She decided that now was a good time to go get their neighbor. He could and would keep them safe and he would know how to properly take care of Levi’s arm. He used to be in the military so he would know how to do all the right things. He was their ticket to the said safety that Jane had promised. “ Ok. Listen, ummm. We’re gonna go to John's house and stay with him so he can help us.” “My arm hurts.” Yeah bud i know but just hang on john will know how to clean it.”  Samantha needed to think of a plan. She couldn't just walk outside. There could be more of those…. things? No. How about muertos? Yeah. They have to be dead to be acting the way they are, so muertos was a fitting name, she thought. So she went over to the window after instructing Abigail and Levi to stay where they were and she looked outside. She could see John's house; it was a straight shot from their house. Right across the street, she just had to make it past the muertos. How does she get a crying boy and a scared girl across the street alive when there are things trying to kill them everywhere. She came to the conclusion that she would have to piggyback Levi and have Abby hold his hand so she didn't get left behind. That should work. They would all be together and could move quickly. She would bring the gun and some extra bullets just in case. She would also grab her compound bow that she had been using practically her whole life. She could actually do some damage with that,the gun would be for emergencies. With her plan thought up she walked back over to her siblings. “Ok,so we are gonna run across the street to John's. I'm gonna carry Levi on my back and Abby, I want you to hold his hand so we stay together. We are gonna have to run and be as quiet as possible.” “ What if one of the things stops us' '. Sam hadn't really thought of that. She just knew she had to get across that street to be safe. She figured that if one of the muertos cuts them off she would have to kill it. “If a muerto gets in our way I'll kill it ok? We are going to get to John's. He'll know what to do.” Would he actually know what to do? Samantha didn't know, but she knew that if he didn't know what to do, then they were screwed, so he HAD to know what to do. With this in mind, Samantha got Levi up onto her back and grabbed the weapons and made sure Abigail was tightly gripping Levi's hand and they were out the front door. Sam couldn't run all that fast with Levi on her back, but she was moving as quickly as she could. There were muertos randomly scattered around the street. One of them almost stopped the trio, but Sam moved out of the way fast enough. They got to John's front door and Sam put Levi down so she could knock on the door or try to open. When she tried to open it, it was locked, so she knocked. That was a mistake.

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