Chapter 2

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*For a moment you're scared to open your eyes because you're terrified of what you might see after that dream, but eventually you crack your eyes open only to see the doctor, who has his ear to your chest*

*"Are you okay? You just had a violent dream didn't you?"*

I look around frantically I try to get up. "Lloyd! Lloyd!!" I scream his name in panic.

*The doctor grabs your shoulder which causes you to look up at him*

*"Please, try and relax. Your boyfriend is safe, he's not here at the moment but he's been sitting beside your bed all night watching over you"*

I shake my head and start to get up ignoring the pain I'm in. "Lloyd!!" I yell out his name frantically.

*The doctor grabs your other shoulder in an attempt to stop you from getting up, the doctors eyes meet yours*

*"Please, stop. He went to get some medicine for you, it will help with the pain you're feeling. He'll be back soon"*

I push him away. "LLOYD!!" I get up and I start to head towards the door.

*The doctor steps in front of the door, blocking you from leaving the room*

*"Don't go anywhere, please. Your boyfriend will be back in a few minutes. Let me give you that medicine"*

I step away from him. "Please no." I cry out. "I need to see him."

*The doctors eyes soften and he lowers his hand*

*"Okay, I'll call him and tell him to hurry back to the room"*

I hold my hand to my chest as I continue to panic.

*The doctor grabs his walkit talkie and speaks to someone over it*

*"We need to call Lloyd back to the room right away, she's having a panic attack"*

I clutch my hand to my chest. I lean against the wall. I feel like my world is crashing down.

*Time feels like it goes by so slowly as you wait for Lloyd to return to the room. The doctor is trying to comfort you as you lean against the wall, but it's just not working. You can't stop panicking. You just can't get the dream out of your head*

I continue to move away from the doctor. My breathing is really heavy as my body trembles.

*As you continue to move away from the doctor you notice that the machine beside you starts to beep in alarm. The doctor tries to stay by your side as he speaks*

*"Please let me give you that medicine, it will help calm your heart beat."*

I shake my head. "Do not put that needle in me." I snap.

*The doctor is shocked by your harsh tone and the way you snapped at him. The alarms starts to beep faster as it detects your heart beat speeding up*

I take another step back. I shake my head. "Lloyd." I cry out.

*The doctor grabs your arms in order to stop you from taking another step back*

*"You're heart rate is getting really fast. I need you to calm down in order to slow it down. Lloyd isn't here right now, but he'll be here soon."*

I see him with the needle. I try to struggle from his grasp. "Please no." I cry out. "Lloyd!"

*The alarm keeps beeping faster as the doctor tries hard not to let you pull away from him. He raises the needle and begins to push it towards you*

I continue to struggle. "Lloyd." I cry out. "Please just wait."

*The doctor keeps pushing the needle towards you. You can feel your arms starting to lose energy from all of the struggling. Just as the doctor is almost about to stick the needle in your arm, the door to the room flies open*

I look up just as he sticks me with the needle and injects me with more morphine. "no..wait." I cry out tears in my eyes.

*With your mind still racing with the dream you just had and the adrenaline going through your body, the morphine starts to work very quickly. Your eyes begin to feel heavy and you get a sudden urge to close your eyes*

"You...can't take me..." I mumble before falling into Lloyd arms.

*Lloyd catches you before you are able to hit the floor. He holds you in his arms with a worried look on his face as you fall into a deep sleep*

I lay there soundlessly as I'm sleeping. Times goes by quickly and I go back to the dream I had.

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