Chapter 4

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The gunshot was the final thing you heard this time as your dream ended. It took sometime but eventually you started to come back to reality and opened your eyes. Your vision was blurry and hazy but you opened them. There's an intense burning pain throughout your body and you start to sit up before you feel light headed and fall back down to the bed. What happened? Did the dream actually happen or was it just a dream? You're not completely sure, but you can feel something's off. Your body is drenched in sweat and pain.*

"No!!!" I scream as I wake myself up. "Lloyd!" I cry out in panic. "please no."

*Your breath is extremely short as you try to get control of your body. You hear some voices outside the room and they sound concerned. One voice sounds familiar, it's Lloyd's. You keep calling his name out but you're too weak to yell much more. You try to get up from the bed again but you just don't have the power in you to do so.*

I force myself to get up and I cry out in pain. "Lloyd..." tears are running down my face as the monitors start to alarm.

*The nurse hears the beeps and comes inside the room. She sees the tears running down your face and notices you trying to get out of bed. She rushes over to you in a panic, the nurse speaks in a panicked tone of voice*

*"What are you doing?! You can't get up, the doctor said you need to stay in bed!"*

"Don't touch me!" I yell out as I can't tell reality from my dream at the moment.

*The nurse continues to try and speak to you and calm you down as she attempts to help you lie back down in the bed. She can see the panic and hurt on your face as she speaks to you*

*"I need you to try and stay calm. Everything is going to be okay"*

I push her hand off of me. "Please let me go, I have to find him! Hes hurt." I start to take all the wires off of me.

*The nurse looks at you in horror and quickly attempts to stop you from removing the wires that are connected to your body. She grabs your arms that are trying to rip the wires out*

*"Please stop trying to get out of bed. You are hurt and you could hurt yourself more if you aren't cautious right now"*

"Let me go!" I try to fight her off. "I have to get to him he's hurt!"

*The nurse is extremely surprised at how much stamina you have despite just waking up from a major surgery. She is trying her best to hold you down*

*"That was all just a bad dream, he's not hurt. I can call your boyfriend in here if it will make you feel better?"*

"Hes hurt....let go of me." I continue to rip the wires off of me. The alarms start going off even more.

*The nurse holds tight onto your arms and keeps trying to stop you from ripping off the wires. The door to the room opens and Lloyd speaks out*

*"Saige, what are you doing?"*

I look up and see Lloyd and tears instantly fall from my cheeks. "He..he.."

*Lloyd rushes towards you and grabs you tightly. He doesn't say anything at first as he hugs you. He can see the fear in your eyes. He finally speaks after several moments of just hugging each other*

*"Is it another nightmare?"*

I shake my head. "It was so real..." I start crying.

*Lloyd holds you tightly as he speaks again*

*"Come here baby, let's get you back in bed with me"*

I shake my head. "No..I can't I don't want to sleep."

*Lloyd looks at you with concern on his face as he speaks*

*"Sweetheart, that's where you need to be right now. You need to rest"*

I shake my head again. "Please don't make me."

*Lloyd seems a little frustrated at you now as he speaks in a stern voice*

*"Saige, I said you need to be in bed. Now lay down or I'll make you lay down"*

I see the nurse pull out another needle and I start to panic even more. "No!! Please!"

*Lloyd seems to notice your panic as soon as the nurse pulls the needle. He wraps his body around you tightly, preventing anyone from reaching you*

*"It's okay sweetie, they're not going to hurt you"*

I try to struggle. "Please no more please." I beg him.

*Lloyd's grip on your body prevents you from struggling much more. He starts to speak calmly to you as he notices how panicked you are in the moment*

*"It's okay baby, the nurse isn't going to hurt you, she's just trying to help you. Just stay calm for me okay?"*

I close my eyes. "Please..." The nurse then shoves the needle in my arm and I let out a whimper. "Don't..."

*Lloyd stays silent as he notices you whimpering from the drug the nurse gave you. Your body is starting to feel weak again as you lean into him for support. His arms tighten around you as he speaks softly to you*

*"It's okay sweetheart, try and relax. Everything is going to be alright."*

I go limp on his arms once again as I go back to sleep.

*You can feel how tight Lloyd's arms are around you as he hugs your body tightly. He whispers out*

*"Just try and rest, we'll talk about what happened later on. Try and get some rest, at least now you know it was all just a bad dream."*

I can hear his words linger as I go back into the dream once again.

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