Chapter 12

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I look up and I see him. My heart stops and I quickly get up.

*You look up and there you see him, Marcus. He stares straight into your eyes and he has a smirk on his face. He slowly starts walking towards you and he doesn't say a word. When he gets close enough he whispers into your ear*

*"Hello my little nightmare. Did you miss me?"*

Tears fall down my face. I close my eyes shaking my head as I cry. "Why are you doing this to me?"

*He whispers back with laughter in his voice*

*"Because I want to, dear. I love to play with my playthings."*

*The sound of his voice sends shivers down your spine as he slowly walks around you and he whispers even quieter this time*

*"Don't you remember all the fun we had together?"*

He's right behind me as he whispers in my ear. My body trembles. "Please..please just leave me alone.."

*Marcus keeps whispering behind you as he moves even closer... he starts to whisper just close enough to you where you can feel his breath on your neck. You feel his strong grip on your shoulder as he says*

*"Come now my little nightmare. You know I'm not going to leave you alone...."*

My body continues to shutter. "I can't do this anymore."

*Marcus moves his face next to your ear as his voice becomes intense and dark. He whispers in an aggressive tone*

*"Oh, but you are going to do this my little nightmare. I want to play with you. I want to have fun. I am going to chase you...I'm going to play with you and no one can stop me from that...."*

Something in my head tells me to fight fight him off. I shake my head. "I can't."

*Marcus keeps his grip tight on you as he whispers into your ear*

*"It seems you're fighting back my little nightmare. Are you forgetting how powerless you are? You stand no chance against me...."*

*Run!* I hear a voice in my head causing me to get myself together. I open my eyes and feel him. My back against him. I turn and face him.

*Marcus sees the determination in your eyes when you turn and face him. He smiles and stares at you as he says*

*"Now look who grew a backbone. I must say, you look quite good without the fear in your eyes. It's much more attractive."*

I clench my fist. I take a step back and I hit him square in the jaw.

*Marcus is caught off guard when you hit him in the jaw. He can't help but smirk as he laughs and rubs his jaw*

*"Not a bad punch at all. You have a hell of a punch for a girl."*

My eyes widen as I take a step back from him.

*He chuckles as he leans down a little bit and whispers to you*

*"You've got some power behind that punch of yours but can you do it again? Do you have the stomach to do it again?"*

I go to punch him again.

*He watches as you wind up your fist but this time he doesn't stand still like he did last time. He grabs your arm and quickly twists it, making you lose your balance as he says*

*"Good try, my little nightmare. But you're not going to do very well punching me like that."*

He twists my arm causing me to yell in pain.

*Marcus slowly starts to pull your arm back behind you as he says*

*"Now let me ask you a question. Should I snap your arm or would you like to say that I won this game? What do you say my pretty little nightmare?"*

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