Bollywood Kanye

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Things went bad in Denmark because the bands are snowed in the hotel after their concert there.

Guy Diamond:
Every minute's like a hundred hours
Every hour is like a million years
I'm drowning in an ocean of lonely isolation

My parents' every loving utterance
Is like a dagger plunging into my ears

I'm seething with a murderous desperation

Endless baking
Joyless zooming
The loneliness is all-consuming

Witless morons driving me up the wall

I'm angry, bored and sad, but most of all.....

I'm so horny
How I crave a human touch
Cause I'm so horny
I never needed a friend so much

I know somewhere there's floods and famine

Death Disease and grim

But honestly, how can I begin to care

Guy Diamond:
When I'm so horny

Blaze Powerchord:
I need release

I need some space

Guy Diamond:
Need to bump
Need to grind
Need to suck some face

Get me out of this hell

Get me out of this cage

I'm a pent-up, sex-starve, ball of rage

I've gotta break out of these cursed walls

I gotta blow some steam

Billy Reverb:
I gotta drain my balls

I gotta blow this joint

I gotta blow my load

Minuet Sonata:
Gonna snap

Gonna kill

Blaze Powerchord:
l'm gonna explode

I'm so fucking horny

After a few days of being snowed in, the bands, their labelmates, and the entire crew left Denmark to fly to India. They landed at the International Airport and stayed in a luxury hotel as the bands and musicians prepared for their performance.

"Finally, a warm place after traveling through the snowy parts of Europe," Rose said.

"Fuck, I can't survive going through that bitchy cold," Poppy agreed with her.

"At least this warm place will give us a head start before we go to Japan and South Korea," Barb added.

Suddenly, Branch noticed that something smelled nearby.

"Did anybody smell something goddamn horrendous?" he asked them.

"Yeah, I smelled it too, fuck!" Rose gasped.

"That shit has strong scent too," Wani choked.

"Yeah, we all smell it nearby," Tresillo gagged at the smell.

"The locals believe that cows are sacred and take this holy cow thing fucking seriously," Poppy added.

What they didn't know is that there is a spice cart passing by.

"UGH! IT'S TOO STRONG!!!!" they chorused out of disgust.

"The city streets back there are so gross, we need to pack millions of air fresheners," Branch said.

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