008. The Judgment day

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Pairings - The Judgment day x Reader ( Platonic )

Fic Name - Clouds

Warnings - Hurt/Comfort , Angst , Fluff at the end


You felt yourself grow exhausted as you and what seemed to be the love of your life had been arguing for what seemed to be hours. Silence had filled the room but was once again filled with the sound of yelling. Tears were falling down your cheeks as you let what he was saying sink in. But You felt your heart stop at a particular thing they had said.

"God if I knew how emotional you would be I wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with you. I mean look at you, you crying for what? Youre so fragile , grow up" A thick silence had grown between you two , as you thought about what he had said.

You ran put of the bedroom door, hearing them call you name, but not following you. You grabbed your purse as you opened the door. You unlocked the car door , getting in and shutting the car door. You felt your face grow warm , as hot tears overflowing your eyes. And Soon enough , hot tears flowed down your face.

A question that lingered in your mind as you sat in the car. Where would you go? You knew you could go to Zelina's house , she didn't live too far. But you didn't want to bother anyone with your problems. You sat there , trying to cool yourself off from the emotions that seemed to be spinning in your head. You snapped out of your thoughts , as you heard your phone ring. It was Rhea. You

Contemplated on picking it up , but didn't want Rhea or any one of that sort to feel bad for you.

A couple minutes had gone by of your driving when you had gotten another call from the judgment day group chat. They had been bugging you for a while now , and you wanted to answer. You did. But you didn't want them to see you like this. Makeup and mascara smeared. But you knew you'd have to face them.

You finally answered the call , feeling all your sadness and anger dissolve with the sound of Dominik's and Rhea's voices.

"Hey we were wondering if you wanted to go to a restaurant with us?" Dominik asked.

You sniffed as you began wiping your face with wipes that you found in your car. This didn't go unnoticed as you heard total silence on the other side of the phone.

"I don't know guys maybe another time." You answered. Your voice was stuffy and congested from the tears you had cried.

"Wait Y/N are you crying," Finn asked as he got closer to the camera.

"What happened?" Damian asked you. A tone of worry was clear in his voice when he asked.

"Me and S/O got into a fight. They said they wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with me if they knew how fragile I was.." You replied, trying to blink away tears that threatened to escape your eyes.

The Judgment Days faces morphed into worry and anger. As Rhea began to speak.

"I swear the next time I see them Im going to-," Rhea was cut off by Finn.

"Rhea relax , the last thing we beed is for you to be angry, we all know how that goes," Finn spoke.

"Hey , if it makes you feel any better , you could come to our place. Im sure your day will get better with us here," He added. A smile appearing on his face.

"Well then sure. I mean , I have been driving for a while, its just been hard dealing with these feelings alone," you replied.

Time skip - at The Judgment Days house.

The rest of the night consisted of you and the judgment day cuddling up together on the couch. You felt safe , and loved as your head laid on Rheas chest, watching the movie Damian had put on.


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