Chapter 1: Introduction

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Mister J (narration): Oh, Hello! It's me, Mister J from the Letter People. I'm pretty sure you all know the rest of the Letter People and I (as well as some other people too) all live in Letter People Land, isolated from other areas. We only had each other. Until one day when these strange, kinda-futuristic cubes ended up in our town. They called themselves the Alphablocks. They were based off lowercase letters and each of us had a matching block. Mine was J. She was very imaginative and claims to be a jaybird and I always play along. We Letter People did lots of crazy things with the Alphablocks. We even turned into blocks and they turned into people! Also, we stopped a villain, but that's a story for another time. But one day, while we came to visit the Alphablocks, these objects with faces and limbs came along. Apparently they were the Alphablocks' friends, the KidsTV123 Gang. J introduced me to Juice and she didn't really like me at first. They said they needed help to save their land, so the Alphablocks took all of us to this haunted school. You all know where this is going. J introduced me to this girl with a plant for a head named Juno. The four of us decided to hang out on the roof for a little bit and we got to know more about each other. But enough of this, let's go into the actual story.

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