Chapter 4: The Rivals

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The four J's look at the entrance doors and see four people standing there. One was a black haired boy wearing blue, another one was an emo looking girl with dark hair and purple streaks. There were also two blondes. One wearing a wolf ear headband and dressed in purple and pink & one dressed entirely pink and wearing revealing clothes.

Juice: Oh great, it's attention stealers.

Mister J: Jumping jackrabbits! Who are you?!

Boy: I'm Axel the young boy, the greatest guitarist in the world. I'm extremely rich.

Emo girl: I'm Raven-Luna-Ebony-Darkness-Angel. I have depression, but it's, like, magic that makes me turn into whatever I want.

Juno (quietly, in a sing-song voice): Faker...

Wolf girl: I'm Willow the wolf princess girl. I'm part wolf.

J rolls her eyes

Blonde girl in pink: And I'm Queen Summer Madrigal-Ritchi, the queen of the Alphabet Humans.

Juice: Oh brother...

Axel: We are the most popular band to ever exist. Everybody knows who we are.

Mister J: I guess I'm out of touch because I don't know who any of you are.

Axel, Luna, Willow, and Summer all gasp, then Summer punches Mister J in his face and makes him bleed

Mister J: Ow!

Juno: Okay, that's it!

Juno, J, and Juice try to attack them but they use their force field

J: Crap. I forgot they were overpowered.
Summer: Winning this will be a snap. We'll definitely get that deal and become even more famous than we already are.

Luna: And nothing can get away. Not even those circus freaks over there. (Points to the J's)

Mister J (a little sad): Circus freaks?

Juno comforts Mister J, while J sticks her tongue out at them & Juice flips them off

Summer: That's right. And if you guys try to outshine us, there's more attacks where that came from.

The rivals get on stage. Axel & Luna grab guitars, Luna, Willow, & Summer stand in front of microphones. Juno, J, and Juice grab unique looking headphones.

J (handing headphones to Mister J): Here, you're going to need these.

Mister J (taking the headphones): What? Why?

Juno: They sing horribly but they cast spells on everyone to make them love their singing. These headphones block both the singing and the spells.

Axel & Luna start playing their guitars & Luna, Willow, & Summer grab the mics and start singing. The J's look at each other in disgust.

Juice (quietly): This is terrible.

J (softly): I know right?

They finish their performance.

Summer: Another flawless performance by Team Sparkle Rainbow Friendship.

Juice (snickering): That is the dumbest name I've ever heard.

Luna: Shut up! Like your group name's any better.

Mister J: I think it is. We are The Jazzy J Team!

Axel: That is so stupid.

Willow: Yeah!

Luna: Might as well be called The Losers.

Juno: You know I find it weird how you came up with a better name for us than you did for yourselves.

Summer: How dare you!

Summer uses her vine powers (that she has for some reason) to fight Juno but Juno also has vine powers, so those two have a vine fight. Axel, Luna, and Willow cheer on Summer while Mister J watches in horror as J & Juice watching the fight while eating popcorn
Axel (interrupting): Okay! That's enough! I have an idea. (To the J's) Let's make a deal. Losers get humiliated in front of millions of people and on live tv.

Juice: Deal.

They all shake hands.

Willow: We'll see you dunderheads at the talent show, right?

Juno: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

The rivals leave the building

Summer: We are so gonna take them down...

They laugh evilly

The Jazzy J Team (old version/abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now