Chapter 5: Dissapointing Reveal

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J: Good riddance.

Juno: Karera zen'in ga yukkuri to itami o tomonau she o togeru koto o negatte imasu. (Translation: I hope they all die a slow and painful death)

The J's lock the doors

Juno: You okay, Mister J?

Mister J (holding an ice pack to his face): Yeah, I'm fine right now.

Juice: Don't worry, we'll make them regret all of their decisions.

J (in a slightly crazy tone with an evil smirk on her face): We'll makes them regret being created.

Mister J: You know, girls, it's getting late. Maybe we should get some sleep and talk about this more tomorrow.

Juice: Fine.

Juno, J, and Juice open up portals to their respective worlds as Mister J returns to his junkyard. He changes to his pjs: a vintage white band tee that's a little worn, green and black pajama pants, and mismatched socks (one striped & long and one polka dotted & scrunched up), but he still keeps his iconic hat on. He lays on his bed & tucks himself in.

Mister J (softly): Wow! What a day! I can't believe I get to start a band with my friends! And we finally found some common ground! Isn't that amazing, rats? Rats?

Mister J looks down and sees his rats (as well as his fish and bird) asleep. He shrugs it off.

Mister J: Tomorrow is going to be a great day! I just know it.

He looks up and stares at the ceiling as he sings himself to sleep.

(The next day, he wakes up stretching and smiling. He obviously starts the day out by singing. One of the rats carries an envelope to him that says it's for anyone in the talent show. He calls the others and they all decide to meet on the roof of Midnight Horror School)

J (excitedly): Just open it already, I want to see what it says!

Mister J: Alright, alright! I'll open it.

The J's read the letter:
"Dear participants, there have been some changes to the rules, to limit the amount of people joining, we are only accepting acts that involve...

Mister J, Juno, J, and Juice (shocked/in unison): Singing?!

Mister J: Yes!

Juno (sarcastically): Yeah, like that's going to limit the amount of people joining.

J: But, everybody knows I have a bad voice!

Juice (upset): There is no way I'm humiliating myself just so we could make ourselves known, I'd rather be forgotten.

Mister J: Come on, you guys! If we can conquer instruments, we can conquer singing too. And besides, I don't mind being the lead singer if you all are shy.

Juice: Instruments are different, we actually knew how to play them and the sounds were coming from the instruments, not us.

Mister J: Well, can you at least try?

Juno: Alright, I guess we could try.

Juice (firmly) : But just this once.

Mister J: Yay!

J: To the studio!

*insert Batman type transition here*

Also in case you're wondering, Juno spoke Japanese in the beginning of this page, but I couldn't type in Japanese

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