☆The Lunar situation☆

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Before we start..

This is my opinion on what's going on in the Lunar and Earth show. It's ok if you don't agree with me. You don't have to.

1. Someone should have told him

Almost EVERYONE knew that Eclipse was back, besides Lunar. He should have been the first person to know! And I understand why they didn't tell him. But them NOT telling him lead to an even bigger issue. If they had told him, he would have had time to prepare.

2. Everyone coddling him

I feel like half of the problems could have been solved if they told him that Eclipse was back. I understand that they want to protect him and not upset him, but all their doing is making more problems. Lunar says he's not a kid, then don't treat him like a kid.

3. Talking about his feelings

Lunar has had a year and a couple of months to get therapy, but still hasn't put in the effort to actually do it. Now, before Earth was here, no one wanted to talk about their emotions. Sun was always used to hiding his emotions, or he would be criticized. (Old) Moon was pretty much always angry. Monty HATED talking about his feelings, and Lunar was still leaning about his! So, I won't count the first year. But after she was here, he started to get help before Bloodmoon and then him having powers. They should have had a schedule and followed it. Wake up, take care of the kids, therapy (or some sort of therapeutic activity), training with Caster, and then whatever after.

4. Earth

Earth is going through a lot right now, and that's fine. I mean, she literally watched a man explode by the hand of her brother! But her saying she wants to give up on him is a pretty big deal. Sun has killed Bloodmoon and TRIED to kill Eclipse. (Old) Moon killed children and abused Sun. And forgave them, so why can't she forgive Lunar? It's okay if she needs time before she can forgive him, AND THAT'S FINE, but don't just give up on him.

5. Gemini

Gemini had every right to be mad at Lunar, but breaking into his apartment and the first thing they say is, "Are you dumb?" And then continue to yell at him! Now, what they said wasn't wrong, but yelling at him did NOTHING! What did it really do? Making him feel like even MORE crap after killing the only brother he knew and scared his sister? Also, them saying, "Is it because we rejected you?" Dude, come on. Lunar wasn't THAT upset to go out of his way to kill Eclipse and get not only himself in trouble but also YOU. They also need to understand that emotions are a complicated thing to control and understand.

6. Eclipse's dumb ass

Moon gave Eclipse only one main rule, and that was to not go near Lunar and Earth. But he didn't listen. This is the same situation that happened with Ruin. Eclipse thought he could do what he wanted and go accusing Ruin with no proof, so he was shocked by Moon. Now, it's the same situation with Lunar (somewhat). Eclipse came in like he owned the place and started insulting Lunar and Earth, and all they know is that Eclipse isn't there for something good! I mean, he LITERALLY said not that long ago that he was going to, "Rip him apart and take the star power out of him." Now, Lunar should have waited until Eclipse did something BEFORE he killed him or called Moon or Solar. Earth could have called one of them or could have told Lunar to call them.

I also saw that some say that Eclipse isn't the original Eclipse. Which is true! But he still wasn't there for good intentions.

7. Lunar's revenge

Lunar got his revenge on his abuser and murderer. That's it. Eclipse blew him up after making a deal with Monty. Lunar's life in exchange for the star. Eclipse lied (surprise) and killed Lunar anyway. Now, I don't think ANYONE should have died, but.. it's a little late now.

8. Everyone's fault

In the end, it's everyone's fault. Lunar should have done therapy that HE ASKED FOR! Him and Earth should have made a schedule for his therapy lessons or at least did some therapeutic exercise. Earth should have put Lunar back on track with therapy. Someone should have told Lunar sooner about Eclipse being back. Moon and Solar shouldn't have made Jack O Moon without Lunar knowing.

Anyway, a big life lesson is COMMUNICATION! Talk about your problem, tell people what's bothering you, ask for help when you need it, getting revenge sometimes DOESN'T always make you feel better in the end. Lastly, all of them need therapy.

Also, I might fix some of this because I'm trying to do it more on my laptop. So, if you see any errors and stuff, that's why. I also made this late at night, so sorry if some of it doesn't make sense.

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