☆What the fuck☆

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I can't believe I even have to say this. But apparently, I do.

I just found out that some people in the SAMS fandom are sending DEATH THREARTS to Davis because of the death of Solar.

Why? He's just a fictional character. Yeah, I'm upset, too! He was one of my favorite characters in the show, but this is just low..

I'm honestly so disappointed in this fucking fandom sometimes it's ridiculous.

I understand that it was sudden and unfair, but this is unacceptable. Davis or any of the other cast does fucking deserve death threats.

He might have been my favorite character, but I'm not going to send him death threats all because of it! He was just trying to add some spice to the story, some against keeping it interesting.

I don't send hate or death threats to people who still like Ruin or Eclipse or any of the villains in the show!

This is getting fucking ridiculous. And I'm starting to get sick of some of the people in this fucking fandom.

Now, as for the people who are not being an absolute jackass, I thank you.

Thank you to the people who have some common fucking sense and NOT sending DEATH THREARTS to Davis. You people are the reason I stay in this fandom.

- Frankenweenie

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