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Clementine means Merciful; Gentle, mild.

One thing about my sister was that she was the complete opposite of me. She was rebellious in ways I couldn't be, yet she was also gorgeous and sexy in ways I tried to be but ultimately failed. And to be honest, I was okay with that. After all, showing too much skin was an act against God anyway.

Audrey was a mischievous girl while I was a well-behaved one, regularly attending Bible study on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and going to church on Sundays. I made sure to carry my Bible with me whenever I went to school, viewing it as a symbol of my faith and a source of protection, even though others may have seen it as a weakness and used it to make fun of me.

Today was a Friday night and my family always had Friday night dinners where we spent time together as a family. However, on Friday nights, Audrey never showed up. But this Friday was different. Audrey was, well, the complete and utter opposite of me.

She had tattoos on her arm and a nose piercing that I would never dare to get. She wore revealing clothes, whereas I stuck to my long skirts and cardigans. Audrey had dark hair and blue eyes, while I had strawberry blonde hair that went well with my green eyes. People were always shocked when they learned that Audrey and I were sisters.

But just because we were sisters didn't mean we got along. We were basically like two different strangers, but with the same parents and same blood, living in the same house. Our family has always been religious, so Audrey acting out was always something she would do, no matter what it was.

"Dad," I said, trying to sound casual as I took a bite of my steak, "I was wondering if I could put up a fundraiser for my church." My dad furrowed his eyebrows, his brown eyes studying me intently. His grey mustache and hair matched my sister Audrey's, who was sitting across from me.

Audrey snorted, drawing everyone's attention. I ignored her as usual. When it came to my faith and my Bible studies group, Audrey always made fun of me and didn't take it seriously.

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