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I feel selfish writing this.

I feel stupid crying over you.

I know you didn't stop loving me, but it feels like you did. 

I still cannot believe the fact that I can't hug you next time I see you in the hall,

 or ask you to come sit with me when the teacher is not paying attention, 

nor fix your hair when you want me to, 

or hold your hand when walking down the hold, or even talk to you at all...

I feel so selfish thinking about my own pain,

knowing that yours must be much worse and for more serious reasons.

But I can't understand, why did you think this was the best decision for us.

Why couldn't you tell me you needed time?

Why couldn't just tell me you needed some space?

I would have understood,

I would have been okay,

I would have been better for you,

But here I am, writing paragraphs on my couch about you, thinking of what i could have done to avoid this.

But deep down I know that we are better like this... well... at least you are,

and that is all that really matters to me...

Diary of a Heartbroken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now