Day 14: Contained

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Green: (I can't believe the kids asked me to fix this of all. . .

The screen opens up and shows Green eating KFC chicken.

Green: Oh, it works.

Green walks to somewhere with the camera.

Green: A bit of  tough crowd today.

Green: Last night, Sans got attacked by Cube for some reason. Weird.

Green: I'm currently visiting her to see what's happening around here.

Green: Yes. I'm using the GPS as I speak as it's my first time entering to this property.

Green: Sir, can I come in with the camera?

Green: Only allow voice recording? Okay then.

Green: Welp. Looks like the screen had to turn off for a while.

The screen turns off.

So. . . what's the cause?

It seems that she was stuck in the deleted world for some time.

But it's rare for her to have cracks in her face.

Deleted world? What's that?

It's a place where we banish criminals back then.

Moreover, we didn't let her out.

Someone did, from the inside. And we must find who.

But none are willing to take the risk after what happened.

I have a question. How does Cube become a criminal?

We don't know either since we have never been into that kind of situation.

But if you wanna ask someone, ask NC! Sans. He has the most experience out of all of us.

Then you'll know why Sans didn't hold back attacking Cube in the first place.

He didn't hold back?

Yep. He seems to experience it like his everyday job.

It's an interesting thing on why he's good at melee.

Thanks for telling me this. I must go.

Stay safe and try not to get controlled.


Nothing. Just go on.

Green knocks on the Heeler house.

Chara: Yes?

Green: Where's NC! Sans?

Chara: Make sure no one's following you, okay?

Chara: Follow this address.

Green: Why can't you come too?

Chara: Someone has to take care of the kids somehow. Now go.

Green: On it.

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