Day 15: The entries

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Entry number eight. . . "Seems like Agent -2 has caught up through their surroundings at the age of eight. I have to beware of him."

Entry number nine. . . "Machine seems to be busted so I asked J for further research."

Entry number ten. . . "Agent -1 seems to have the ability to summon a skull that shoots a laser. Interesting."

Entry number eleven. . . "Two months after that, Agent -2 still keeps his silence, not telling me anything. He could have the same ability to not attract any attention. But it's all just speculation."

The skeleton flips entries through entries while footsteps can be heard.

Entry number eighteen. . . "It's time to begin the experiment on Agent -1. No going back."

Entry number nineteen. . . "The agent starts screaming as it gets hit by the lasers of the machine. The other agent starts to yell but that didn't bother me."

Green: Sans? Where are you?

Entry number twenty. . . "The experiment was a success. The second weapon has been made. With this gun, justice shall be regained. No more criminals."

Sans: A gun?

Green: Sans! I know you're there!

Entry number twenty-one. . . "Agent -2 tries to ask me what have they done to their brother. Their tears enjoy me so."

Entry number twenty-two. . . "Someone has tampered with the card key lock on Agent -1's room."

Entry number twenty-three. . . "Agent -2 seems to be training himself. There's no possible way he can do to bring himself to kill anyone. He couldn't even hurt a fly."

Entry number twenty-four. . . "This might be my last entry just in case I die. If anyone has the possession of the gun, they'll be unstoppable."

Green breaks down the door and rushes to Sans.

Green: Sans! What are you holding?

Sans: There's nothing, Green. Just some old data.

Green: You're hiding something, aren't you?

Sans quietly reads the last entry of the book.

Entry number twenty-five. . .

The agents have ran away.

Gaster has fallen to the deleted world.

The gun has been stolen.

I suspect that Agent -2 has it.

As Gaster's assistant, it is my duty to try to revive the scientist at all cost.

And I suppose that. . .

One of the agents is reading this.

Am I wrong, Agent -1?

As he read the last part, Sans teleports away with the book of entries.

Green: Sans! . . . He ran away. . .

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