I fucking hate myself right now. It was my fault probably because I was posting pictures of my face (not my eyes so it's sort of safe) covered in blood on a blood fetish subreddit. It's not like blood turns me on or anything, and I might be insane for this, but I just find blood so appealing. It's like how some people might look at a sunrise and think it's just beautiful and calming and just right. That's how I feel looking at blood. It's just something completely perfect. 

Anyway, I did that and then, of course, got a bunch of PM/DMs of people asking for more pictures, asking my Venmo, just straight-up sending dick pics, rape threats (but I guess in a kinky way?), and someone who actually even offered $250 on PayPal for me to make a video. That didn't really bother me, and I ignored them, but someone apparently either leaked me on Reddit or just randomly texted me at the worst time in the most coincidental way. 

"you're insane"


"Im ganna touch you lil bro 😈"




So, that scared the fuck out of me. I blocked both numbers and haven't gotten any other texts, so I just hope to any and all gods and Satan that it stays that way. I deleted my entire Reddit account. Lord Satan, help me. :,)

I can hear text messages coming from what I can only hope is my mother's phone, but my phone is down there charging as well. Please, please, please let her be on her phone shopping or something. Don't let creeps text me anymore. I would be so dead. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I can hear her taking screenshots. SO MANY. And sighing. Lord, help-

Today, I was wearing two shirts, the second one being white, so it was very visible when my nipples showed through it. Apparently, some guys were talking about me when my math teacher was overhearing and she took my shoulder, pulled me aside, covered her mouth so no one could see she was talking to me, got really close and asked if I had a jacket to cover up with. I responded negatively. Then, she said some boys noticed I wasn't wearing a bra or was wearing a flimsy one. Blah blah, "boys will be boys," "wear a bra next time," "hug your books tight to your chest the rest of the day." Like it was my fault they're perverts. Why didn't she talk to them and tell them they're disgusting and to fuck off? The rest of the day, I was so uncomfortable. I just wanted to put on an oversized hoodie and crawl into a corner. I almost cried in third period. Then I had to finish one million benchmarks. I have a 64 in math because I haven't done most of the iReady lessons because they're hard as fuck. 

Today was shit. And is still shit. I hope I pass out and don't wake up until Saturday.

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