the path to greatness begins

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naruto and Tsunade stopped arguing about what food was best when they got close to the barbecue restaurant " so naruto what kinda ninja do you want to be" shizune asked

" well shizune I want to be an around type of shinobi I find it would be useful to master many things like medical ninjutsu also kenjutsu, taijustu, ninjutsu, fuinjustu and least but not least genjustu I want to master all of them so I can be a shanobi among shinobi or a legend among legend such as madara uchiha also know as the ghost of uchiha and hashirama senju also know as the God of shinobi"

They looked at the young 5 year old in amazement that he knows so much about the village and how did this young boy know of the legendary uchiha boys his age would know about him until they were atleast 10 some uchiha know him as the boogeyman that was to scare the young uchiha so they would go to bed early

"Naruto how do you know of the legands you just spoke of" hiruzen looked at the boy with wonder all over his face. the old man's interest of the boy was rising by the second to have such a goal at a young age and with the determination that burned in his eyes when he told them his goal hiruzen belived in him all they way

" well gramps I read a book called The final valley the book told me about the fight how madara used his sharingan to control the nine tails and fight hashirama but hashirama used his wood style to stop the nine tails and it told about them reshaping the landscape at the end they both ran at each other since hashirama had better healing then madar he was able to out last madara and stab him throw the chest. Hashirama senju is the author of the book"

The 3 looked at naruto in shock about him reading a book that was most likely a very long one most boys his age would rather play ninja but here was naruto reading books and learning and training the three all thought the same thing naruto you will go onto do great things in your life time "well naruto if your gonna be that famous you better tell them that I traind you ok" "alright tusnada sensei"

They walked in and everyone looked there way as 2 legendary shanobi walked in the son of the 4th hokage and the apprentice of 1 of the 2 legendary shanobi that just walked in is not an average sight

They 4 sat down and one of the people serving food walked over " can I t take your r order" the girl asked shakily never seeing this many famous shanobi in one place let alone talking to one

"Can we get 20 of the BBQ and that will be all" hiruzen said "right t away lord d third" " there's no need for formalities "hiruzen said with a chuckle and the girl look to ease at that "miss Can I ask you something " naruto asked the girl looked at him and said " what is it sweetie" she was thinking how cute this little muchcan is and how polite he was "which one do you think is better Ramen or BBQ " naruto looked at her with a questioning gaze the girl taped her chin "well if I had to choose one it would probably be Ramen" "see grandma Tsunade miss waitress thinks Ramen is better than BBQ too" naruto said looking at his God mother " listen her you little brat Ramen isn't a sustainable food you need something like BBQ to keep you full all day" the waitress looked ant the two and laughed lightly "alright you two that's enough I've had it up to here with you two fighting about which one is the best" shizune said glaring at the both of the " but shizune " "but big sis shizune" they both said at the same time "no buts" as shizune crossed her arms shizune just might be more scary than kushina and tusnada hiruzen though

They talked a little bit about what they have been doing since the nine tails attack a couple months ago

The waitress came back with the food and placed it down for them the all said thanks for the food and they dug in with out a nother word naruto ate 8 pieces shizune had 4 pieces and was full and also so did hiruzen and tusnada they were all full

They paid for the food and left hiruzen told them to follow him they follow him to a training ground " now it's time to burn off all those calories you just ate naruto" as hiruzen turned around and got in a fighting stance Tsunade jumped to the side lines with shizune "I will be the Procter for this match are both contests ready" Tsunade said "ready" both hiruzen and naruto said " then begin" tsunade said while slicing her arm down and jumping back to shizune

Naruto ran at hiruzen throwing his right fist at hiruzen jaw hiruzen caught the fist and swong him away he slid three feet and rolled onto his right foot and took off to flanke the old man half around naruto flew towards hiruzen left said trying to land a kick on him but hiruzen blocked it and went for a hit to the stomach on naruto but naruto turned jumped back enough just to his the fist and turned on his left foot swing around his right foot to kick the old man In the back. Hiruzen used his left foot to doge the kick by leaping away

They stood 10 feet apart and both of them flying at each other naruto was using low genin speed and hiruzen was matching home they were throwing punch for punch and kick for kick and every time naruto was pushed he would go right back at it this supized the old retired hokage and that let to naruto get a couple of hits on him

"Tsunade he's quite strong already I would say his speed and taijustu are low genin and his tactical mindset is like a high chunin or even low jonin" shizune stated Tsunade just noded her head

15 minutes later she called the match the boy stopped and layed down and was panting " you did great naruto you definitely exceeded my expectations " hiruzen said siting down next to the boy naruto sat up

Tsunade and shizune walked up to the two and started healing there bruises "naruto your stamina is up there with some of the chunin " shizune said looking at the boy in amazement naruto blushed from all the praise he was great he hasn't head someone praise him in a long time

They stated to walk back and hiruzen looked at naruto and said "be here at 7 every morning from now on unless telled otherwise ok " " yes sensei" naruto said


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