meeting the sensei

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Naruto woke up and got dressed today was the day his team would meet their sensei he hoped it would be some strong to teach him and his friends. He walked down the stairs his father was already at work and his mother and siblings were still sleeping. Well now that I think of it. It is 5 o'clock in the morning naruto thought he went to his training ground and made 30 shadow clones 10 worked on more chakra control such as balancing 10 pebbles on his fingers while standing on water the othere 10 went off to master mud wall he's mainly been focusing on his fire,wind and water natures. He sent the last ten to work on lighting shock wave and he made one more clone to practice his taijustu it s 2as a mix of the uchiha style interceptor fist and the huygas gentl fist the gentl fist targets an someone's pressure pointing and the interceptor fist is to predict someone's movements and then doge them

The ariganal naruto worked with his sword. He didn't know a style yet but soon he would find a sword style for him and he would turn it and his sword famous and he hoped maken his sword would be something of legands l8ke madaras war fan or l8ke the 7 deadly sword of the mist but naruto wanted his sword to strike fear into Evan madara himself


Naruto was running as fast as he could he didn't want to be late he was one minute away from the academy and at this speed he would be their in thirty seconds he jumped to the roof tops not wanting to run into anyone it's gonna be close naruto thought as he leap into the air flying fight to the classroom window itachi was on side siting thier with all his classmates when he looked at naruto running on the roof tops itachi ran to the window and naruto flew in just as their sensei entered into the classroom naruto and itachi quickly sat down " you were almost late what were you doing" shisui asked quietly" I was training" naruto said quietly " your always training" itachi said quietly " IS THIER SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS YOU THREE" thier sensei said loudly naruto, shisui and itachi just shook their head in negative " anyways im proud of all of yo guys for passing and becoming shanobi of the hidden leaf. We will know say the rookie of the year it is NARUTO UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE congratulations on being the rookie of the year your sensei will be here any time" thier sensei said and then walked out itachi ga e naruto a thumbs up and shisui ruffled his hair " way to go naruto you did it " shisui said and naruto smiled well " shisui it's just a small title nothing to big only some people will care about it I need to become something far greater" naruto said with a smirk " just so you know I won't let you out do me" shisui said as itachi smirk and said " same goes for me"

In the hokage tower all the sensei were looking at their students "shikaku it seems you got three prodigy's on your team two of the greatest prodigy's from the uchiha clan and the son of the hokage" some random jonin said " he's not just the son of the hokage a prodigy's among prodigy's also the rookie of the year and just by looking at him I can she his tactical mindset might even be better than mine and to think that he's only 8 almost 9 he could have graduated at the age of five" shikaku said and every one looked at him in disbelief to say that some might be smarter than Shikaku was like telling a joke but here he was saying it with a straight face " could you tell .e more of what you think of the boy " hiruzen asked looking at the man " I saw the fight between naruto and shisui and itachi He took both of out after just get out of the hospital and the two had thier sensei activated" shikaku said and than add something to his speech " he's already at high chunin and dare I say mid jonin at the age of eight now think of that boy in his prime he nit even hashirama and madara were this strong at his age and if I'm gonna be honest he scares me no doubt if I got him made the next day I would be in a casket" shikaku said looking at the boy through the crystal ball " didn't you say s most he was mid jonin you high above that " the same jonin asked " well that's when he's not using whatever he's hiding you can tell just that he's hiding his Trump cards for a special day" shikaku said " well every shanobi should have a Trump card that nobody know about" hiruzen said. Minato was just starting at his son how strong are you my son Minato thought " alright everyone is dismissed " Minato said and everyone left

All the teams started to get picked up by thier senseis but naruto shisui and itachi sensei was not here yet so they made battlefield plans for the tree of then to use the door open" team 11 net me on the roof top" the man said and disappeared into thin air as shisui did his body flicker same with itachi and naruto

On the roof they just arrived as thier sensei just sat down "let's introduce are selfs I'll go fist my name is shikaku nara my hobbies is to sleep likes sleep dislikes troublesome women dream for the future dint have one now you" shikaku said as he pointed at shisui " my name is shisui my hobbies are learning new techniques my likes are friend and family dislikes are traders and my goal is so be someone powerful and to protect the people i love" shisui said then shikaku looked at Itachi" your turn" shikaku said " my name is itachi uchiha my hobbies are training and hanging out with my friends and my like are friends and family my I don't really dislike anything my goal for the futureis to have a family of my own" itachi said " guess it's my turn my namenis naruto uzumaki namikaze my hobbies are training my likes are training with new people and my friends and family my dislikes are when people don't look through you like your a ghost and my goal for the future is to be the strongest shanobi to ever walk this world better than legands them selves" naruto said grinning " ok met at training ground 11 tomorrow be their at 8 and don't be late" shikaku said


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