first mission

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Naruto woke up and got dressed it was around 6 in The morning and he didn't want to be late to his first mission he then went down the stairs and to the Door he walked out he noticed it was barley light out side.I will train until 8 and then go meet up with my team mates he thought and walked to his favorite place to train he got there and made 30 shadow clones he split them into 3 teams of 10 and had the first one train with the sword and had another 10 train in some water style jutsu an he made the last couple work on his seals we wanted to be a seal master one day so I better start training now thought naruto

He start walking to the uchiha compound to get his friends shisui and itachi but it was gonna be difficult if they ran into those girls they would be late naruto jumped up on to the roofs and started to run to shisui house he stopped on a tree near shisui house amaterasu was waiting for shisui to come out he saw shisui jump out the back window into the tress. I know exactly where he's going I better meet up with him naruto thought as he moved an caught up with shisui

" hey shisui did you know amaterasu was waiting for you " naruto asked

" yea that's why I jumped out of the back window if I walked out of the front I would be late" shisui said

" we still have to get itachi and get out of here so keep your guard up" naruto said he did not want to be late for his first mission

"Were almost there" shisui said as the two of them stopped on a tree and saw itachi jump out of the back window and land next to them

" let's get out of here while we still can " itachi said as the three boys ran off

" I sense amaterasu about 150 feet in front of use and is closing in 130, 100 90" naruto said

" scatter and meet up at the hokage office" itachi said as he took of to the right and naruto stopped and shisui went to the left

___________with naruto _______________

He dropped down to the forest floor and substituted with one of his clones that was training on fuinjustu and the clone poofed away

Man that was hard I've never done that with such a distance naruto thought and ran to the hokage office

______________with shisui _____________

He jumped from the forest to the roof tops and jumped for the gate only to see cherry standing there with izumi he ducked down and wished he didn't come into the compound what was I thinking shisui thought as he remembered his allotment technique the body flicker he used that to get out of the compound and ran to the hokage office

______________with itachi______________

He jumped from tree top to tree top he landed on a field and ran across it and triped on something he looked up to see crow circling him as he looked to his right to she a crow know on his shoulder as then it spoke

"Helo there young one" the crow said

" your a somon aren't you " itachi asked

"Your very smart young one the names iwashi " the crow said

" my name is itachi and if you would let me i wouldlove to be your somoner " asked itachi iwashi looked at him in confusion" wouldn't you want a stronger somon" iwashi asked " no I'm strong enough I need an somon to be able to do thinks I can't like fly and scout" itachi said " very well you shall be are somoner" as iwashi told itachi how to sign the contract and do the signs

____________hokage tower_____________

" man it's not like itachi to show up late" shisui said leading on a tree by the hokage tower

" relax shisui itachi can take care of myself" naruto said siting on one of the tree branches in the tree as he dropped out of the tree land next to shisui " he almost here shisui"

" I wish I was a sensor like you " shisui said while he started to walk I to the tower as itachi landed right next to him " sorry I'm late I ran into a crow somon" as shisui wiped around and put his hands on itachis shoulder " so you can somon crow" shisui said " yep " itachi said " that's so cool " shisui said as naruto walked right past them " indeed" naruto said

As the three got to the door they saw there sensei waiting there for them as the 4 of them walked In " team 11 reporting for a mission" said shikaku

Minato looked up to see team 11 " alright I have a mission for catching a cat " Minato said " well take it " shisui said

_____________7 hour later______________

" I wish I didn't pick this mission " shisui said as he had scratch marks all over him as its looked just like shisui but naruto had no scratch markers as the cat was sitting on his head it seems that devil cat and naruto are friends this kid is scary shikaku thought

"I'll give the mission report you kids go home and have fun" shikaku said

" alright sensei" shisui said and then walked off

" see you tomorrow sensei" itachi said as he walked with shisui

"See ya sensei " naruto said and walked

___________With naruto_______________

Naruto walked in the house " I'm home" naruto said as he was tackled to the ground

"Big brother naruto your home" mito said getting up "will you play with us big brother" itama said as he ran In naruto got up and said" sure why not" then started to walk to the kitchen to see his mom holding his baby sister as his two little siblings ran past him

" you two better get ready for dinner it will be ready as soon as your father gets home" kushina said finishing up on the dinner

"Ok mom " itama said and started to walk to the sink to wash up and mito did the same then they went and sat down at the table as they started to goof around and mess with each other

" big brother you can sit next to me" mito said itama glared at mito and said " big brother you can sit by me too" as naruto pulled up a chair in between them

Kushina turn around in shock she only made enough food for 5 of them she completely forgot about naruto I am a terrible mother I completely forgot about naruto what mother dose that's kushina thought as Naomi was reaching for naruto she walked over and gave Naomi to naruto " naruto I thought you weren't coming home tonight so i didn'tmake enough food " kushina said in shame

That was a lie she forgot about me " it's OK mom ill just go to a BBQ place and bring it back" naruto said as he got up and walked to the door and left

The will of fire has never burned so brightly Naruto Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon