|Birth of the Stars|

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|Lore of Creations|

...a bloom...

What was it—that I was seeing that day?
Or was I seeing anything at all?
Was the bloom... a light?
Or was it the birthplace of my understandings?

Mayhap it was nothing at all—but the calling of he who formed me from the beginning.

Yes, I heard his voice... reaching out to me from the darkness... breaking my silence... ...saying...

Sehruh. Today, you have become my light of joy and comfort. A rhythm to my peace. But that is up to you to decide... whether you wish to be or not. So I ask then... what is it you would like to be... within this realm?"

Without question, I answered the one who granted me a sound of vocals, a sound that is as soothing as the flowing waters around me, saying...

"This sound granted upon me... ...this—name... what is it? What does it mean?"

He replied to me, saying...

"There's no purpose in it. You must grant it one. A meaning behind it."

Intrigued by his ways, I knew—I was more than what he was allowing me to see.

I knew—he desired me to be important to him, but at the same time, he wanted me to have my freedom.

So I said to him...

"From the moment I heard your voice, I too—felt comfort. I too—feel the rhythm of your peace. So then. My name shall be called, Peace. Because you granted me this—in a comforting way, and so I shall do the same for you."

Silence overwhelm us for a moment, and after, you said to me...

"You are my sister. Today, I have become your brother."

Thus, I was awaken...
Thus, I could see...

These are the beginnings...
These are my beginnings...

You may know him as, 'Guardia Le Ark', 'Ri'yuwn', or 'The Ark Guardian'...

But I know him far beyond words... far beyond imagination alone...
I was with him...
I was with him from the time he gave me life...
He who was smaller than the rest...
He who was gentle in soul...
More peaceful in mind than I had ever known...
I followed him...
I followed him in his ways...
I learned the natures of his very being...
The gentle soul whom was born by The Ancients...

The Majestic of this Realm...

They were known to me, because he made them known to me, and when I got to see them, The Sovereigns, they would come in twos before him, Male & Female were their kin.

I felt immense power... the power of dominance, the power of overwhelming strength, the power of honor, the power of authority... this—was their glory.

Their radiance caused even the darkness around us to change colors, like the radiance of streaming colors of light, in various forms, and in various ways, before their presence, before our sight...

It was as if their glory, made the nature of darkness unwelcomed...
But my creator... he had neither of these...
His soul was welcoming...

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