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I realise that I can't talk my way out of this. So I start to tell the story.

"Well, I think you should finally learn the truth about me. My name is not Maximilia Winkler, my name is Maximilia Mondragón. I'm a vampire and I only moved here four years ago to start a new life."

My friends are looking at me as if I've completely lost my mind. So I go on: "I had a drink with a friend earlier, that's why I wasn't there."

They're still staring at me in disbelief. Toni is the first to catch himself:" Don't bullshit me! Tell the truth, vampires don't exist."

Yemaya agrees with him and Finny looks at me as if I'm out of my mind.

The only Nic seems to take me seriously: "Then prove it," he says. He looks at me seriously. And everyone else is looking at him now. I always suspected that he knew more than he was showing.

I did as Nic asked, opened the window again, climbed onto the windowsill so that I was standing in the window with my back to the outside.

"What are you up to?" Anton asks a little insecurely.

I look everyone in the eye again and let myself fall backwards.

I hear Finny scream and the others run to the window. But what they see scares them even more. I catch myself in mid-air, spiral upwards and float in front of the window from where my friends stare at me in disbelief.

Everyone except Nic backs away from the window as I glide through again and stand in front of them. Nic has always been fascinated by fantasy stories and has often asked us "what if" questions.

My friends stare at me suspiciously for a few more minutes, then Nicolas asks the first question: "Why did you just tell us about it now and why did you want a fresh start?"

I knew this question was coming, so I had already chosen my words so as not to say anything stupid.

"I first had to settle in and see who I could trust. I wanted a fresh start because a lot of vampires wanted us dead in our old home," I explained.

Finny found her language again:" Who do you mean by 'us'?" she asked mistrustfully."By 'us' I mean my brother and me," I answer truthfully.

Toni now asks in surprise:" You have a brother! Have we ever met him? Is he a vampire too?"

I was afraid of exactly this question because it reopened old wounds. Yemaya seemed to realise this and said: "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

But Anton disagreed: "Of course she has to tell us! What if she puts us all in danger?"

Yemaya looks at him angrily and elbows him in the side.

"He's right, you should know why you never met my brother. My brother's name was Phillip, he was a born vampire just like me. He can't be dangerous to you, I promise you that," I say.

Now Finny is getting curious too: 'Why can't he be dangerous to us? Did he even come here with you?"

Nic looks like he knows what I'm going to say next. His face is sorry.

I get tears in my eyes as I see Phillip lying dead on the battlefield in my mind's eye. This image is like a stuck CD, it repeats itself over and over again.

After a few seconds, I regain control of myself and reply: "Phillip can't be dangerous to you because he's dead."

Everyone stares at me. Nic and Yemaya with pity, Finny thoughtfully and Toni sceptically.


Now it's out. Feel free to let me know in the komments what you think of the trunout.

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