Chapter 7

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If I had it my way, I would've never gotten out of bed with Liam this morning. Unfortunately, there is more on the agenda for the day. Louis eventually came back and knocked on the door obnoxiously until Liam finally assured him that he would meet them all downstairs in 5 minutes. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips and starts to get out of bed to get dressed.

"Nooo don't go!" I whine as I pull on his arm. I'm nowhere near strong enough to actually move him anywhere but he gives in and comes back to bed. Instead of lying next to me he hovers over me in that way that drives me crazy and I find myself wondering if we have time to go again before he has to leave.

"I have to. Thousands of people are counting on me tonight." He reasons but his actions say otherwise as he starts kissing my neck.

"If that's the case then you'd better stop now or I'm locking you in this room for the rest of the day." I say with a wink while I push him away. He just smiles and kisses me several more times on the lips before getting up to find some clothes. I simply lie there and admire the sight in front of me trying to wrap my head around the fact that this gorgeous man is mine.

"Look at you over there being all creepy." He says once he's found a pair of boxers and jeans.

"I'm not creepy. I'm admiring the view. You should be flattered." I respond coolly. He just laughs and slips his t-shirt over his head much to my dismay.

"Just remember that the next time I'm staring at your boobs. It's just flattery." He says before leaning down to kiss me goodbye. I try to keep him distracted as long as I can but eventually he has to go.

I lay there for another minute still basking in my bliss before I get up to retrieve my clothes. Once I'm dressed I decide I need to talk to Lexie before I see anyone else. It's early at home but I know she'll kill me if she's not the first to know and I'm guessing what we did is written all over my face. I hit the button for FaceTime and wait for her to pick up.

"What on God's green earth could you want at this hour?" She groans when she finally answers. I can tell I woke her up. She's still in bed, half hidden under the millions of pillows she sleeps with. I feel a little sad at the small glimpse of our apartment but I push it aside.

"Sorry. It's after 1 here and I needed to talk to you. I can't help it that there's a 6 hour time difference." I say, still un-phased by her snarky attitude.

"Ok, ok I'm up. Spill." She says around a yawn.

"Liam and I just had sex." I blurt.

"Seriously? It's about damn time! Jesus, I thought you two were never going to get it in. So what prompted your change of heart? I thought you were taking a pause or whatever?" She asks, finally sitting up.

"I don't know. It just kind of happened." I say with a shrug.

"Ok you woke me up from a dead sleep. I'm gonna need more details than that." She presses.

"Well we didn't get to spend the night together last night because Louis and Eleanor broke up so I made Liam room with him and I stayed with her. This morning Louis came and woke me up so Liam and I could have some alone time together before the show tonight. He was in the shower so I had to wait for him and when he got out I was just so turned on. I mean he was naked, you can't really blame me. Anyways we just starting fooling around like we always do and at some point something changed. Just the way he was looking at me made me feel so comfortable and safe and loved. It just clicked that I was ready and it just happened." I explain, getting lost in my thoughts a little thinking back to this morning.

"We'll come back to Louis and El later. But I'm so excited for you! How was it?" She asks bluntly. I'd expect nothing less from my best friend.

"Amazing. Lexie, it was so different from the way it was with Grant. He was so hesitant at first. He kept checking to make sure I was ok with it before we started and then even during, he was so concerned with my needs. It was intimate and meaningful and everything that I always thought sex should be. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely hot but there was so much more than that. I can't explain it."

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