Chapter 16

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of Liv's alarm going off. I'm not sure if this is the first alarm but it's definitely the first I'm hearing. I try to keep my eyes closed as long as I possibly can but eventually the shrill sound is too much. I reach over Liv to where her phone is sitting on the night stand and turn it off. When I lay back down I can see she is still snoring softly, sound asleep.

"Liv. It's time to wake up. Your alarm was going off." I say, gently shaking her. No response. "C'mon love. You need to get up." I try again, stroking her cheek. Her eyelids flutter briefly but she screws them shut tight, refusing to wake up. "If you don't wake up, I'm just going to have to tickle you." I warn her while my hands go to her waist.

"Don't even fucking try it." She says in a sleepy monotone.

"Fine. But you do need to wake up. It's your graduation day!"

"Shit." She mumbles and I can't help but laugh.

"You're quite the potty mouth this morning! It's cute" I say with a laugh.

"I've got a killer hangover and now I have to get up and be all put together and professional and accomplished. Shit." She says, finally opening her eyes.

"When is your family supposed to be here?" I ask. I push her hair out of her face and continue to run my fingers through it while I wait for a response. It's so hard not to touch her when we're this close in her small bed.

"Hmm. I have to start lining up for at like 9:30 so they're going to meet us in the quad around 9." She explains, closing her eyes again.

"Great! I can't wait." I tell her excitedly.

"You don't sound nervous at all." She says suspiciously.

"I'm not really. I don't mean to sound cocky but I'm confident I'll make a good impression." I tell her with a wink.

"Sometimes I hate how much experience you have with this sort of thing. I was practically shitting myself when I met your family. And even now, I have no idea what to expect. I can't even warn you about my family because I've never been in this situation." She admits.

"It's ok. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm just excited to meet the people responsible for bringing you into my life." I tell her before kissing her softly on the lips.

"You're so annoying. But you're sweet." She says, nuzzling into my chest.

"I hate to break up this moment." I finally say after several minutes. "But it's just after 7 now. Didn't you say you wanted to shower this morning?"

"Ughh. Yes. I smell like the floor of a bar." She says, groaning.

"I think maybe I might need one too." I say suggestively.

"No way!" I start to argue but she continues. "Not only is Lexie's bed literally sharing a wall with the shower but the freaking neighbor's shower shares the other wall. No fucking way. If you want a shower you're just gonna have to wait your turn."

"Fine. But I don't like it!" I pout.

"Jesus boy. What is it with you and showers?" She says shaking her head.

"Hey don't pretend like you don't like it too!" I call as she walks out the door, down the hall to the bathroom.

While she showers, I try to think back over last night. All I can remember at first was that I was really drunk. Drunker than I have been in a while. We were having a great time but for some reason, I have the feeling that it didn't end well. Then I remember our fight.

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