Chapter 9

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When I wake up the next morning, I roll over only to find the other side of the bed empty. There's a note on the pillow so I sleepily unfold it and read it.


Somehow I managed to tear myself away from staring at your beautiful face to go for a run. I'll be back before you know it.



I can feel the ridiculous grin on my face as I re read the note but I can't seem to make it go away. It's only 9 o'clock but I'm sure Niall woke Lexie up before he left to go watch Rory this morning so I make my way to their room for some girl time.

"What the fuck do you want?" Lexie groans from under the covers when I jump on her bed. Ok so she wasn't awake. Oops.

"Liam went for a run." I say simply before lying down on the bed next to her and pulling the comforter over so I'm underneath it.

"And that explains you waking me up how?" She asks, still not budging.

"I was bored." I tell her and she finally moves to give me a death glare. She really isn't a morning person. "Sorry! We just have such a short time together and we really haven't had much time to spend alone. I missed you!" I say in an effort to play on her sympathies.

"So you're trying to make me feel guilty?" She asks with a laugh while she sits up. There's not fooling her.

"Maybe a little." I reply with a smirk.

"You still didn't have to wake me up so god damn early. You do realize we're going to be able to spend a lot more time together coming up right?" She asks.

"How so?"

"Liv, graduation is in like 3 weeks. You are planning on coming home for that right?" She reminds me.

"Shit! How did I forget about graduation?"

"Not to mention we need to start packing up our apartment. I haven't wanted to bring it up but I'm going to need you home for that."

"How is time sneaking up on me so quickly?" I'm finally realizing how quickly my time in London is coming to an end. I know I've been distracted lately but I really can't just hang around there forever can I?

"I have no clue but you'd probably better figure things out soon. What are you planning on doing after graduation?" She asks, mirroring my thoughts.

"I mean I have to go back, right?" I ask, mostly to myself.

"Do you? I mean you want to do research. There are hospitals and labs and Universities everywhere. Including London. You don't have to be tied down to Indiana your entire life Liv." Lexie says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"But if I stay in London it will be like I'm staying just for Liam. I don't want to be that girl that finds a guy and clings on to him." I finally admit.

"Look, I know you're trying to keep your independence here. I get it. I feel the same way to a point. But it feels like all you're doing is limiting yourself. Don't sell yourself short. I think staying in London could be good for you. Do you think maybe you're just scared?" She asks.

"Scared? Of what?" I ask

"Your feelings for Liam of course." She says. I try to interrupt her but she continues. "Niall told me about your little talk last night. I know you're having a hard time admitting how you feel but that doesn't mean you have to run away from him. Just think about it, ok?"

"Think about what?" Liam asks, peaking around the corner.

"About what we are going to do today." I say quickly. Somehow I know bringing up the topic of me leaving won't end well. Liam and I just got to a good place. I don't want to rock the boat just yet. I give Lexie a look telling her to play along.

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