Ch 16 Warning and Results

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Within the Night Rose Palace, Luminous is working with the garden as Artoria was resting on a lounge chair under a small gazebo. "So have you forgiven me yet?" Asked Artoria.
"A little," said Luminous, "but I'm still not happy you allowed me to be dragged away by Milim."
"It's not like I can stop 'The Destroyer' easily you know," said Artoria, "you want me to vanish from here!?" As she quickly shut up.
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Luminous tilting her head towards Artoria, " and why did you tell me to hide my real race from them?"
Artoria flinched slightly from her expression, "Well to answer your second question, sense you feed on a person with high levels of divinity you gain resistance to that divinity and lesser divinity, and due to that your evolution changed from true vampire to divine vampire. You don't have to feed on blood but mostly the emotions around you positive emotions are best. But I would keep with drinking blood to keep appearances."
"I understand that part but what did you mean by you vanishing?" Asked Luminous as now she was right over Artoria's head.
"Well," started Artoria 'Master help!!'
"Lady Luminous," said Yuki, "there is a visitor here and she said she knows you."
"She said she knows me?" Said Luminous, "I don't know anyone outside everyone here and Guy, Milim, Ramiris, Velzard, and Elena." Which at the mention of Elena Artoria's mood slightly perked up.
"Well why not meet them?" Said Artoria, "they might have info about the three that left after you took over."
"True," said Luminous then sighed, "fine prepare a reception room and will be there soon, and Artoria," as Artoria flinched slightly, "this conversation isn't over."
"Alright." Said Artoria in a defeated voice as she got up and started to follow Luminous.

In one of the reception rooms Chloe was standing and looking around. Last time I was escorted to the throne room, but is it just me but does the power around here stronger than last time?
Yes, responded hinata, it feels like divine energy along with the normal vampires here. As one of the vampire maids entered the room.
"My lady," said the maid, "lord Valentine will see you now." As the maid gestures to leave the room.
Chloe nodded and followed, I can feel lady Luminous but it feels different somehow, remarked Hinata, and remember Roy and Louis aren't around yet. As Chloe nodded.

As they followed the maid to a noble's reception room and she stopped and gestured and opened the door, "She is inside." Said the maid as Chloe nodded and walked into the room and what she saw shocked her.
Lady Luminous Valentine in her demon lord attire and behind her was a woman in full plate armor with blonde hair and verdant eyes both of them radiating divine energy but Luminous's was a lot lesser than Artoria's with a mix of demon lord mixed in. She has the same power as before but her divine power is much purer. Thought Chloe.

Luminous looked at the girl and did not recognize her, "So who are you and how do you know me?" She said.
"Forgive  me for not introducing myself earlier my name is Chronoa," said Chloe, "and I came from a future I wound like to change."
"Mmmm," said Luminous thinking, "and how do I know you're not lying?"
Chloe thinks of a moment before she spoke, "I can tell you a future event and if it occurs I would like to be your friend."
Luminous eyebrow raised slightly, "Oh, then let's hear it."
"Well in a few years," said Chloe, "Veldora will attack and destroy Night Rose." As Luminous aura burst out from the statement but Artoria put her hand on her shoulder and the aura receded. Artoria started to whisper in her ear but with Chloe's skills she can hear it clearly.
"She is telling the truth on that," Artoria whispered, "my master told me about this and ordered me not to interfere with Veldora's attack on the city."

Luminous ponders the truth in Artoria's words. If what this Chloe said is true and confirmed by Artoria but she can't interfere with the attack by Veldora then she can do other things. And from her body tone she has a plan. "So what is your plan?"
As Chloe heard those words over a thousand times before she began to explain the plan to Luminous.

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