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The day after the attack, Sanzo accompanied Marianne to a refugee camp in the outskirts of Cairo. As they descended from the helicopter, hot air and swirling dust greeted them. Children played in plastic pools, while mothers hung clothes to dry. Despite their hardships, it seemed they had found moments of happiness.

Marianne comforted a weeping woman outside the makeshift clinic, while nurses consoled her sick child in Arabic. Watching Marianne help those in despair only strengthened Sanzo's commitment to his cause, despite her confusing secret.

That evening, as the camp grew quiet, Marianne finally revealed the truth. "Over six hundred years ago, I was born in a village along the Nile. My name was Maryam," she recounted. She described enduring plagues, wars, and watching loved ones die while she remained unchanged.

"One night, a mysterious figure found me on the brink of death from fever. When I awoke, an insatiable thirst tormented me. He transformed me into what I am now—a vampire," Marianne spoke of her struggle with her nature but also finding purpose in helping others. "With power comes great responsibility."

Sanzo listened intently, expressing only understanding. Despite the darkness in his past, Marianne's compassion outweighed any demons. They pledged to stand firm together against those who sow division and hasten suffering.

Over the next few days, as relief efforts transformed the camp into a thriving community, Sanzo witnessed Marianne's influence up close. Despite enduring inner pain, she radiated hope where it was needed most. Her resilience deeply moved Sanzo. That evening, as the campfire dwindled, Marianne approached Sanzo. "Your mind is still troubled," she said gently. "Do you have any more questions?"

Meeting her gaze, Sanzo asked, "How do you endure such thirst while living among humans?"

Marianne smiled sadly. "It's an ongoing struggle, but one I chose long ago. Every soul here inspires me to persevere." She gazed at the stars. "Under immense pressure, I find comfort in the moon and stars."

"And your abilities? How were you bestowed with immortality?" Sanzo inquired.

Marianne closed her eyes, recalling the painful transformation from that fateful night. "It was a painful change—my entire being was transformed. I gained supernatural agility, strength, and senses. Over time, other traits emerged." She chuckled. "Some, like influencing humans, I strive never to exploit."

Listening, Sanzo sensed Marianne's gratitude for each dawn and her commitment to light overcoming darkness. While shadows loomed over both of them, their bond deepened through sharing the truth of light and shadow in life. That night, Marianne hosted Sanzo in her residence. Spread out on a dais,

"I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires," Marianne said, recounting her travels in ancient Egypt during the reign of the pharaohs, witnessing Greece's golden age, and walking the Roman roads. I learned their languages, customs, and perspectives over the centuries.

Over time, I realized my long years granted me unique insights. Marianne could perceive deception, expose lies, and sense truths beyond normal senses, honed over generations without humanitarian effort.

Marianne also glimpsed the future. While specific events eluded her, her vision revealed possibilities—both bright and dire—depending on humanity's trajectory. I cautiously carry this responsibility, guiding change where possible.

Sanzo attentively absorbed the historical tales from someone who had lived through them. Marianne's noble hope in these knowledge inspired him. As this modest meal ended, their understanding and purpose solidified in the face of the coming storm. As the moon rose over the camp, Sanzo and Marianne paced inside the tent, conversing quietly.

血脉战争:黑夜背后的灰色节奏Where stories live. Discover now