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The gathering outside the hall was filled with excitement for the evening's event. Inside, as the music began to play, Marian expressed gratitude to her supporters. It was then that she caught sight of Carter and greeted him with a warm smile.

A sudden thud silenced the room. Carter, masquerading as a guest, strode in armed with a drawn gun. "Your goodness has poisoned humanity," he spat, as his followers gathered, rifles aimed at the attendees.

Marian exchanged a glance with Sanzo. In the blink of an eye, he vanished into the crowd. Marian stepped forward. "There's no need for violence. Let's talk it out," she implored.

Carter backhanded her. "There's no place for demons here." As the hostages wept, he dragged Marian onto the stage.

A scuffle erupted near the bar. Two armed men fell, their throats slit. As another went down, guests gasped, hearts pierced. Sanzo emerged from the shadows, a bloodied dagger in hand.

Three armed men launched an attack on him. Like a dancer, Sanzo weaved among them, ruthlessly striking. Soon, all three emitted their final gurgles.

The audience watched in awe and fear as Sanzo moved through the crowd with perfect precision, eliminating one threat after another, until only Carter remained, still holding a hostage.

"Let it end," Sanzo said coldly. Carter sneered, but under Sanzo's chilling gaze, he hesitated. Slowly, he released Marian.

Sanzo agilely seized Carter's arm, twisting it until the bone snapped. As he dragged him up the stairs, Carter screamed, "Leave, and never return."

As Carter limped away, the onlookers breathed a sigh of relief. Marian embraced Sanzo, quietly thanking him for safeguarding hope in the darkness. Carter strode onto the stage, glaring at the cowering crowd. "This farce is over now," he bellowed. He raised his fist to the sky, and at this signal, his fanatics seized the nearest people, brandishing knives at their throats.

As the guests were dragged to the floor, screams erupted, fear etched on every face. Marian started to move forward, but faltered under Carter's manic gaze. "Any move, and they all die," he sneered.

Sanzo appeared behind a pillar, taking stock. A family was taken—mother and father clutching a baby. Sanzo's eyes narrowed to slits.

Amid the chaos, he struck a warlike shoulder with his blade, felling two men. The mother broke free, and another armed man stumbled into Sanzo's grasp. As Sanzo wielded a bone as a weapon against his comrade, the bone suddenly shattered.

Frantic fanatics scattered, firing wildly. In the turmoil, Sanzo dragged the frightened family to safety. He dropped from the rafters, snapping the necks of two armed men who were about to shoot a cowering man.

Order collapsed into anarchy. Sanzo moved between both, targeting the threats with ruthless efficiency. As eyes beheld this terrifying scene, he struck from the blind spot, silently dismantling the terror.

Soon, only Carter stood on the stage, with only Marian held by him. Bloodied and composed, Sanzo emerged from the shadows, daring Carter to test him further. The gallery held its breath. As Carter smirked at the camera, the gallery was stunned. "You've seen the face of the enemy," he spat. "These beasts seek to corrupt our souls."

Marian met his hateful gaze with calm resolve. She stated that violence would not solve anything. True progress came from understanding, not fear.

Carter slapped her. "Silence, demon!" he turned back to the camera. "Kind people, do not be deceived! Their lies will destroy us. We must use—"

As Sanzo appeared from behind, pressing a knife to Carter's throat, his fanatical rant was cut short. The camera fell to the floor, revealing Sanzo's icy visage to the world.

"Let her go," Sanzo said, his tone unchanged but dripping with malice. "Make one move, and I'll open your throat."

Carter trembled, releasing a swiftly retreating Marian. Sanzo kicked the camera aside, gripping the blade tightly.

"Out. Now."

Cowed by Sanzo's control of violence, Carter fled. As the sirens neared, Marian whispered her thanks to Sanzo. His empty eyes reflected only necessity, softening under her touch. Another threat had been eliminated, and hope survived. Marian raised her palm and moved forward. "Let us end this peacefully," she said.

Carter spat at her feet, his crazed pupils irregularly flashing. "Do you think your sweet words can sway me, demon? I see through your lies!"

On the other side of the hall, Sanzo surveyed the scene with calculated eyes, handling the threat. Amidst the chaos, his gaze found Marian's calm.

In that brief contact, a tacit understanding formed between them. Her confidence in protecting him in battle reinforced his resolve. With a nod, he disappeared into the shadows once more.

Marian maintained an unwavering gaze with Carter, emanating a balanced radiance. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that," she reassured. "I mean you no harm."

Carter ranted, waving his weapon incoherently. At that moment, Sanzo sprung into action, smoothly disarming Carter from behind and dragging him away. Through their inherently trusted cooperation, order had been restored. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, aimed at Marian. Before the shooter could react, Sanzo appeared, seizing the weapon and twisting the man's arm into a lock. As Sanzo pushed him into the path of another attacker, bones snapped.

Marian elegantly dodged flying blades, closing in on their owners. Her formidable speed complemented Sanzo's precise movements. He threw a shuriken, which she caught, disarming the threat.

Their collaboration swiftly dismantled the encirclement. Onlookers stared in astonishment at the precise takedown, not a hair on the hostages harmed. As Marian comforted the startled civilians, Sanzo stood amidst the fallen aggressors.

His icy gaze, usually evasive, met the collective gaze of the onlookers. They saw the deadly focus and steely control beneath his calm exterior, now dedicated to protection. His adept defense of humanity sparked whispers of awe.

Carter emerged from the wreckage, coughing up blood. "You'll pay for this, demon," he spat at Marian. As the police dragged him away, she simply smiled softly. As the sirens drew closer, thunderous applause erupted from the audience, applauding their saviors, pushing back the darkness through their alliance. Sanzo approached Carter calmly, his gaze carrying a chilling warning. As he pulled Carter up, Marian sensed a stirring beneath Sanzo's surface.

"Zero tolerance," Sanzo said emotionlessly, yet his words brimmed with murderous intent, sending shivers down even Marian's spine. Carter gasped, his face turning pale, primitive fear enveloping him.

For the first time, Carter realized that Marian's compassion far surpassed the mercy contained within this man's entire life. He desperately clutched at Sanzo's vice grip, tears welling in his eyes, pleading with Marian.

Before she could respond, Sanzo's fingers tensed, crushing Carter's windpipe with inconceivable force. Carter's bulging eyes lost life, bones shattered. Sanzo calmly released the body.

Spectators recoiled in horror. Unadulterated violence had protected them but left behind ashes. Marian looked at Sanzo, uncertainty shadowing her expression. Beneath his calm exterior lay an abyss, and she felt she had only begun to comprehend it.

Meeting her gaze head-on, Sanzo showed no fear. By any necessary means, he had eliminated the darkest threat. But what price had their spreading of light paid? Both harbored new doubts, and the shadows in their souls seemed to deepen.

血脉战争:黑夜背后的灰色节奏Where stories live. Discover now