how did I end up here..

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I was adopted very young, maybe around 4-5?...but I don't remember much, this old lady adopted me and then I lived with her for a while, and then found a college for me in Salem.

It was a old house, and very cheap surprisingly! It was called "the Cordelia manor"...but soon I found out that there IS a reason it's so cheap
Hey, I'm Gavin! I'm 18, and I go to a nice college in Salem.

Moving was hard for me, but the worst part...was having a fucking GHOST as a roommate! Like wtf.....this girl appears every 3 seconds with new info like.."oh Jerry thinks your teeth are cool...he lost his" or..."did you kow there's a creepy attic!" like wtf..

NO I don't wanna know about Nirvana! No I don't wanna know about Radiohead!..and the worst part is for a millennial, she has the EXACT personality of a gen z! It's weird... we are another day of living with a ghost!.

I sighed while closing my notebook
"Whatcha writing?.."
"sorry got uhh, any vodka?.."
I looked at her, for Somone with a alcoholic mom, she chose to be like her?...

"No wonder you're Russian."
She stared blankly at me, confused
I was confused too and stayed quiet.

It became

"Wanna know about Nirvana!?-"
" bout heathers?-"

"Are you afraid of the dark?!-"
"What? I'm not?- oh...the show.."
"How stupid are you?"
I stared at her, turned around and left. No way was I gonna deal with that today...until something fell, and I heard footsteps, knocking, etc....


straight to my room... something I'm not completely...and locked the door

"HOLY SHIT!-" I yelled loud too...
"Shut up."

"After this you wanna meet Ellie?.."
"She's right next to you?-"
I turned so slowly...and looked at her, face beaten, dress torn, and blood on her stomach...I felt bad, I've never felt this- "AAAAA!!"

...she screamed at me...SHE FUCKING SCREAMS..

"Well hi to you too...."
"nice day today right?..."
"wonderful to hear.."

I turned to irine, with the worst side eye I could give. I was annoyed, she giggled and laughed her ass off.
As I mouthed 'fuck you' to her, just made her laugh more.

That experience was weird..I went to work though, working sucks...

I slept the entire time, getting home, getting sleep..irine says I sleep like a Victorian homeless kid, so basically curled up as if I'm freezing and hungry...
I think it's weird she watches me creepy. But that's her I guess...

Sometimes when talking with her she'd drop something like "you closed that door quietly....did your mom also hit you with a bottle until it broke too?!"....GIRL WHAT?!....EXCUSE ME DO I NEED TO CALL CPS?!...that wouldn't work you're already dead...

But I fell asleep and dreamt I was in a room of cats, then dogs came in looking like irine, with irine as they're leader....while she was a talking rat.

I'll just wait till the next morning to let her info dump...maybe let her get a autism test..

(!!Another authors note!!)
I'm still sorry if I messed something up from the first chapter! I keep getting grounded and stressed. Have fun, and eat!!

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