99 (Alyssa)

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Phy Ed class, one of my favorite classes of the school week. The topic we were currently focusing on was volleyball, and while I was good at it, I couldn't say the same about the rest of my teammates.. "Finny, hit the ball!" I shout across the gymnasium, my voice booming as I watch the ball drop to the floor since Finny missed the third set he's been given in a row. We're down 12 points with a score of 6-18, the odds were definitely not in my favor.

Yeah, we lost. Big time. With a final score of 7-25, I went to the locker room to change, annoyed with my team's performance.

Next period was history, my favorite class and also the last class of the day. Sitting next to my friends Harper and Domi, short for Dominique, my teacher, Missus Larsen takes attendance.

It was an easy class period for history, really, but I zoned out so much I almost had no idea what to do when Missus Larsen said pick a partner and get to work on a poster project about Mount Everest and its history. I curse silently under my breath when I see Domi and Harper choose each other as partners. Looking across the classroom, I see Kenneth, and although he's popular, he doesn't seem to have a partner yet. I walk over to him. "You have a partner yet?" I ask, sounding a bit unsure and hesitant. "Not yet," He begins. "But don't you think it'd be a bad idea for two idiots to work together?" He questions jokingly. "Well, typically it would be a bad idea, but nobody else is left other than.. well.. Finny.. and you know.. he's Finny, the equivalent of two five-year-old's brains put together." I say, internally thinking about how much I'd rather not be with him. "Alright, alright, I get it. So what do we have to do anyway?"

By the end of the day, I started to realize how fast these last hundred days of my life were going to go.


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