91 (Alyssa)

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"Alyssa, I'm sorry... Can we talk?" Harper asks, hesitant. She just called me and told me to come over quickly, so I did. Andre wasn't home either. "What about?" I ask calmly. "About.. you... and my brother.., and how I acted yesterday." Harper says, sounding guilty. "Go ahead," I start. "Ask away." "Was it really only a one-time thing, I mean if not, then-" Cutting her off before she goes on a rant, I answer, "Yes, it was more than likely a one-time thing, Harper. Andre most likely was just craving somebody's touch and attention, but he doesn't actually like me. He said it to me himself but go ahead and ask him." I conclude, sighing. "And you, do you like him?" Harper asks. Fuck, I've been avoiding answering this question but it keeps coming to mind when I think about him. Am I crazy-? Harper snaps me out of my little trance. "Do you?" She repeats. "Honestly... I don't know. I'm not in a good enough place right now to decide that, and even if I was a hundred percent sure I liked him, I wouldn't be ready for a relationship anyway. I need to focus on myself before I can start thinking about somebody else's needs as well." I say, speaking clearly and calmly. "I see," Harper starts, and then continues. "I'm sorry I lashed out yesterday, I don't even know why I was so mad, but... Kenneth... He pisses me off, and when he told me about you guys, I was skeptical, but then people were confirming it, and... Nevermind, it's not really my business anyway what you do with him. Anyway, don't worry Alyssa, I'll be your wingwoman for you. I take this job very seriously and I owe it to you for my lashing out yesterday. I'll be your source of information when it comes to Andre, if you need to know anything, just ask." Harper suggests. I chuckle softly. "Sure, Harper, be my wing woman for me, just don't give me away."

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