Chapter 11 The Argument

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Elphaba unlocks the door with her key to see Fiyero in the living room to great her.

Fiyero: Where the hell have you been!?!?

Elphaba: Didn't you see my note I went to practice spells. Oh! And I may have stopped at the bookstore.

Elphaba's POV

After I told Fiyero the little lie when I looked up I could see he wasn't happy. He even had his arms folded. Fiyero has never been mad at me before so I was actually kinda scared about what he was going to say next.

Fiyero: Elphaba I know you didn't just go out and practice spells and go to the bookstore.

Elphaba: Hmmm and why do you say that?

Fiyero: Come on Elphaba I know where you went.

Elphaba: Well then were do you think I went?

Fiyero: I know you went to Oz to tell Glinda.

Elphaba: what makes you say that.

Fiyero: You were gone for over 9 hours. Come on I can read between the lines.

Elphaba: You're not mad at me are you?

Fiyero: Oh no I'm mad. You lied to me!

Elphaba: Oh ok so we're playing that card. The only reason I lied to you in the note was because you wouldn't let me tell her to begin with.

Fiyero: I know but I worry about you.

Elphaba: I understand that but I honestly think that you need to trust me more often.

Fiyero: Ok I guess I could do more of that lately.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Elphaba: I got it. (opens the door) oh my oz hi Glinda.

Fiyero: Elphaba: Glinda is here- oh hi Glinda.

Glinda: Hi Elphie and Fiyero. May I come in?

Elphaba: Yes of course.

Glinda: Hi Fiyero. I think it's really cool that you're a scarecrow now.

Fiyero: Hahaha. Thanks all thanks to Yea here she saved my life.

Elphaba tucked some of her hair behind her ear and smiled.

Glinda: Well I'm happy your still here

Fiyero: Me too. It's also good to see you again.

Elphaba ended up giving Fiyero a book haul of all of the books that she got. Well minus the pregnancy witch book since she is planning to tell him tomorrow

Elphaba: You know what guys we should watch this show called Stranger things.

Fiyero: Sure.

Glinda: Ok

Elphaba: Ok Great let me just go put these books on the bookshelf.

Glinda: Oh Elphie can I se your bookshelf?

Elphaba: Sure come on in.

Glinda: Wow Elphie you have a lot of books.

Elphaba: Well like I've said before I love reading. Glinda can we look at this book real quick?

Glinda: Yes of course.

Elphaba POV

The book was smaller than I thought it would be. That's honestly probably a good thing though.

Elphaba: Ok so basically what the book is say is it's painless, that it may be uncomfortable bit not painful. But I find this interesting I fall asleep during the birthing process which makes me happy because that means I wont feel the pain so that's good.

Glinda: That's Great. 

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