Chapter 14 Shopping Day

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Elphaba's POV

So it has been about 4 months that have passed now. Chestery stopped by and me that Glinda told him to notify me that she wants to go shopping with me today which I'm really excited about she hasn't seen me in a bit so I'm really excited to see her. I'm also really excited to go shopping because I'm definitely in need for some cloths. 

Glinda arrives at Elphaba and Fiyero's 

There was a knock at the door and Elphaba open it

Elphaba: Glinda!

Glinda: Elphie!

Elphaba: I'm so excited to go shopping you don't even understand. I am in need of some new cloths. 

Glinda: You know Elphie its funny you say that because I was going to tell you that I was going to treat you to some new cloths. 

Elphaba: You don't have to do that I have money I can pay. 

Glinda: No Elphie I insist I am your best friend and I can treat my best friend to new cloths that is with child. 

Elphaba: (laughs) Oh my Oz ok ok fine. 

Glinda: Good (smiles) 

Elphaba: Let me just see if Fiyero wants to come (yells for Fiyero) Hey Fiyero want to come shopping with Glinda and I!

Fiyero: No thanks you guys have fun though!

Elphaba: Ok! and thanks we will. Let's go.  

At the mall 

Glinda: So were should we start?

Elphaba: I guess we could start off with getting the new cloths I need. 

Glinda: Ok then lets go. 

Elphaba: Glinda before we go in they're, there's  going to be one rule. Only black cloths!

Glinda: Ok

Glinda and Elphie finish cloths shopping 

Elphie: Now that we're done cloths shopping can we go makeup shopping. 

Glinda: Oh my Oz yes!

Elphaba: lets go to Sephora and Mac 

Glinda: Ok

In Sephora

Elphaba: So Glinda were should I start? 

Glinda: I would say start with Foundation but I don't think that Sephora sells any green foundation 

Elphaba: Yeah I kinda figured that thats why I was thinking  Mac because I remember hearing that they have something. 

Glinda: Ok the perfect. So then lets start with eyeshadow. 

Elphaba: Ok. Oh my Oz Glinda look there is a Wicked makeup line. I'm getting the whole line. 

Glinda: I'm going to buy the whole line too. Its so cute especially the glitter setting spray!

Elphaba: Yeah thats probably the only thing from the line that I am not going to get. 

Glinda: Really why not? 

Elphaba: Come on Glinda you know I'm not a very glittery person. 

Glinda: Ugh fine. 

Elphaba: I can't wait to make this Wicked makeup line a part of my makeup routine. 

Glinda: Would you want blush? 

Elphaba: Sure but a very light pink because I'm not sure how its going to look on me. 

Glinda: Ok. Now what we need its eyebrow pencil, eyebrow gel, mascara, eyeliner, lip liner and lipstick, then we could get your foundation, concealer, and bronzer at Mac. 

Elphaba: Ok. 

Then Elphaba and Glinda go to Mac. 

In Mac

Elphaba: Hi do you guys know what colors I should use for foundation, concealer, bronzer, and contour. 

Beauty Constant: Yes here's  a basket and here are the products you will need 

Elphaba: Ok thank you. 

Elphaba and Glinda on the way back from the mall to Elphaba and Fiyero's 

Elphaba: Thanks for everything  Glinda

Glinda: You're very welcome. 

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