Chapter 53: Thief In The University

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Chapter 53: Thief In The University

Night time rumbled as the mysterious storms started clustering everywhere, putting everyone in panic by gazing at the red clouds flashing with giant wild lightning streaks.

Back at Naravok's broken towers and wary factories, Vanor Tarranys and his bunch of henchmen all prepared their weaponries for their waited attacks. It was almost time for the Uprise. As the Outskirts rummaged the needed materials like guns and vehicles, Cron Chando on the other hand settled himself stood still in front of the map at the center of the station. Looking deeply on the location where the staff was said to be. He rubbed his temples with a deep hum, thinking far out on the planned scene.

"Well, isn't that surprising?" Muttered Cardo Cenress, walking up to his boss.

Cron twisted his chin to gaze at his second-hand with a serious questioning look.

"Who knew the Staff of Colterians were hidden in their walls all along."

"Not surprise as it always been that way," Cron spoke. His fingers rubbed deeper on his shaved chin as his mind swirled about what would be the cause of this action.

"It's time..." Vanor murmured wickedly. He stood at the edge of an open balcon while he viewed at the gloomy skies. Great threats beneath soon would arise to claim their hunger, but it wasn't what Vanor felt. He sensed all the possible chances for him, a villain, would finally claim the victory. He could tell it, by just sniffing the shaken atmosphere enveloped with despair and remorse of destained end.

The wind suddenly picked up pace, ripping through the hair and cloth of the Outskirts after the violent breeze forcefully entered the broken windows and doors. It howled eerily, though no one had fidget despite the muffling voices that could not be understood echoed in the air like creepy whispers.

"Niome! Come, you're now needed!" He boomed over the noise of rumbling weaponries with his hand cupped to his face, emphasizing the volume.

From afar, Niome was busy barking simultaneous orders at her crew that scrambled in cower doing their assigned workloads. She then heard the call over the rustling grits of metal being grind before she bolted away from the group of men she commanded, swiftly slipping through the hustle to reach the call. She made it the center in the neck of time.

A heavy, short pant escaped her pumping chest, "you called?" She asked. Niome placed her hands on her waist and bopped her chin up as soon as Vanor came close to the table.

"It's time to do your job," Vanor uttered in a cold, stern voice on which Niome responded by nodding the head, squiring the shoulders, and quickly turned around to flick a portal before them.

"Oh, and Niome..." Cron called as Niome was about to step through it. "Keep yourself out of view as possible away from the buildings," Cron warned, his voice gesturing concern.

She raised a brow but got the message by just gesturing him a slight nod and a shrug of shoulders. And with a sudden echoing whooshed of wind, Niome was off to steal the Staff of Colterians.

The three men watched as Niome disappeared and the portal abruptly banished out of thin air.

An erupting strange roar shook the earth, following an event of crashing thuds of thunder. The eerie calls of demons merging very much disturbed the enchanters while they immediately prepared themselves for the prophecy.

All three heads spun around to view at the gloomy lands once more, sights of murky shadows devoured any bleak of light.

But this cracking noise didn't bother the Outskirts at all, better yet, it was refreshing to them to hear such calamity coming with no chance of defeat...

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