A collection of Ahk x Reader oneshots (NATM)

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1 | Reincarnated

Fandom: NATM
Ship: Ahkmenrah X reader
General synopsis: reader is Ahk's partner reincarnated.

Ever since you were born, you could remember something. Something that never happened to you in your life, and yet, it has lingered in your mind since the day you were conceived.

That heart breaking, horrified scream.

You never knew why you screamed it, or who you were screaming for. But you'd always had a gut feeling at at some point in your life, or the past lives of yours, you'd screamed so loud your throat hurt and your heart broke into a million pieces. You could hear your own voice echo in your head, crying out in terror. Usually when you tried to sleep, or sometimes when you smelt rich spices, and occasionally on a particularly hot day.

The memory seemed to be triggered by very particular things. And yet you had no idea where this memory came form or why you had it, it was so distant it was just out of your reach.

Recently, you'd been seemingly having this memory pop up more and more. Ever since you moved to New York. What exactly it was about the city that made you head that scream in your head you didn't know, but it was driving you crazy. You HAD to know. It'd gotten to the point you'd gone on hours long Google searches, falling down rabbit holes of how deja vu worked, what dreams meant and how the brain triggered memories. You'd never really been one for the superstitions in life, but in the recent months you'd gotten so desperate for an answer you'd turned to it.

If you didn't experience this scream in your life, but you had the memory in your mind... what if it was a past life? The memory still lingering, hanging on by a thread.

Sleepless nights you'd spend awake, sitting at your desk trying to put together all you could recall. You needed a place and a time, that would be a start. So where did you go for that? The museum. You figured it certain smells, sounds and sights bought up the memory, if you walked though the museum, then whatever era you saw and the memory came up to would be the time and place of the scream.

It was the later hours of the day, you figured it'd be less crowded closer to closing time. And you were right, while people were there, it wasn't nearly as busy as the peak hours of the day. You'd made it though most of the museum at this point, all the wax statues and mini dioramas you'd passed by without any deja vu or memories coming up. There was still one end of the museum upstairs to cover though. Tucked away at the back down a long hall, you passed some states feeling nothing much from them.

Sighing, you were beginning to wonder if this would even work. Until, you took a step down the hall turning to the right.

Immediately the memory came back, that heart wrenching scream echoed in your head. Peeking up, you picked up your pace down the hallway until you were met with an imposing entrance. Two large jackal statues guarding the opening to the Ancient Egypt exhibit. The second your foot stepped over the threshold, you could have sworn you heard talking. Although no one seemed to be inside the exhibit, distant chatter echoed in your head. It seemed frantic, and in a language that felt familiar but you couldn't understand.

"No way... is this it..?" You muttered to yourself.

Heading further in, you looked at the artefacts in their glass cases. Broken chunks off tomb walls, jars used for mummification, weapons rusted and broken down with time. Everything seemed so familiar...

No matter how hard you tried, the chatter playing in your mind and the scream you'd come to know well wouldn't go away. Blocking them out was impossible, if you blocked your ears you could still hear it from inside your head. This had to mean something, had you perhaps had a past life in Ancient Egypt?

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