Will of the gods (Zagnos)

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Fandom: Hades (game)
Ship: Zagnos
Oneshot/unfinished story: unfinished story (first few chapters)
Hypnos has always been an emotional person, unlike seemingly everyone else in the underworld. Unbeknownst to him he's inherited his mothers power to create things from strong emotions, and he doesn't find out until Zagreus leaves and after a tight emotional hug he ends up with a child in his arms.

Chapter 1 | goodbye

"You'll... come back right?" Hypnos said, pain in his tone.

So close to breaking out, Zagreus would hit the surface any day now.

"It might not be a for a while, but I'll come back. I'll always come back for you Hypnos" Zagreus replied.

He couldn't bare to see Zagreus go, potentially for good this time. The closer he got the surface the longer he was away, and the lonelier Hypnos got. His bothers never really talked to him unless it was to berate him, his mother pushed him out of the nest and hadn't really been present since and the shades never pay attention to him. Hades doesn't seem to like anyone, and the other workers of the house of hades don't pay him any attention either. Zagreus was the only one that truly seemed to care for him, and now he was off to escape for good.

"Well... good luck, I guess" He muttered, saddened.

"Thanks. Don't look so sad Hypnos, I will come back eventually ok? I promise" Zagreus replied.


Before turning to leave, Zagreus wrapped his arms around sleep incarnate bringing the floating god down to the floor. Hypnos was still taller than him, even with his feet touching the ground. Their personalities would suggest Zagreus being the tall one, but Hypnos was tall enough for Zagreus to rest his head against the beating heart of sleep under his skin. Returning the hug, Hypnos gave the prince a tight squeeze, his blanket cloak wrapping around Zagreus with his arms.

They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. Hypnos could feel an almost electric shock type feeling in his heart, which he chalked up to the pain of Zagreus leaving.

"I'll get some sleep while I'm up there, promise" Zagreus said.

"I'll see you in your dreams then" Hypnos replied.

The tight, emotional hug broke and with a sad look Hypnos forced a smile and waved off the prince he'd grown to adore. Sighing, he turned back to go to work a shock still present in his heart.

For the rest of his shift he checked in shades, silently, upset and feeling a pain in his chest. He didn't think it'd hurt that badly...

But finally when his shift ended he didn't waste time rushing off to his chambers and hiding away from everyone wanting to be alone. Resting in the pile of pillows sat atop the bed, more like a nest of them really... he stared up at the mobile he'd had since he was a godling.

He missed the carefree days of being a godling, when his family actually cared for him. When he didn't have to work. When he could dream all he wanted with no repercussions in his mothers arms.

That shock feeling in his heart, it lingered when he thought about it.

Childhood, dreaming and family. Those were the things he missed the most. And of course... Zagreus.

Chapter 2 | Morpheus

It wasn't unusual for Hypnos to sleep for what felt like eons, in fact it happened pretty regularly. But what was unusual was the feeling of a weight on his chest as he stirred awake. Yawning and pulling his eye mask up, he took a second to process his surroundings finding himself still in bed after what felt like the worlds longest nap. And thankfully, no more painful heart. Although that seemed to be replaced with a weight on his chest.

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