Chapter 3:

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Dreaming in Synth

Wednesday November 9th 1983

Ally's alarm beeped, jolting her awake. Her hazel eyes darted around the room as she groggily sat up in bed, running her hands down her face. For three consecutive nights, the recurring dream of the otherworldly forest and the eerie pale humanoid figure had plagued her, leaving her increasingly concerned about her sanity.

Deep down, she had always feared inheriting her father's illness. And these nightmares only intensified her fears. Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on a different pressing question that plagued her mind: Was the Hawkins lab, and by extension, her stepfather, somehow involved in the disappearance of Will Byers?

Emerging from beneath the covers, Ally planted her feet on the bedroom floor and made a conscious decision to set aside her own personal issues. She had a mission to fulfill – to gather more information and uncover the enigmas surrounding Will's sudden vanishing. The thought of her stepfather being connected to such a disturbing event made her shudder.

Still feeling groggy, she shuffled her way into the en-suite and splashed cold water on her face to wake herself up. As she dried off, she mentally reviewed her plans for the day. She had made up her mind to skip her morning classes and head to the public library to conduct her investigation into the Hawkins lab.

Of course, she could have snooped through Dr. Michaels' home office, but she felt conflicted. It would imply her belief in his involvement, and Barry had always been a caring and responsible figure in her life. She didn't want to entertain the idea of him being connected to something so sinister. However, she saw no harm in gathering information from the library, just to satisfy her curiosity.

As she got dressed, Ally chose her usual go-to autumn outfit - a cozy, complimentary-colored sweater paired with fitted jeans. Packing her backpack, she made sure to include her cheerleading uniform for the upcoming game later that day. After her quick visit to the library, she planned to slip into school for her afternoon classes. She knew she had to maintain a sense of normalcy, even as she delved into the unknown.

Descending the stairs, a blanket of silence greeted her, knowing her mother was working at the hospital and assuming Barry had already left for work. Astro lay peacefully by the window in the living room.

In the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of juice and checked her solid gold Omega wristwatch, a special gift from her mother for her 16th birthday the previous month. She quickly gulped down her juice before dashing out of the house to set off for the library.

She couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was more to the story of Will's disappearance, and she was going to find out the truth.


The tall red brick building stood before her, its imposing presence making her feel both excited and apprehensive. She glanced around, hoping to avoid any familiar faces from the small town. Being seen here would surely raise questions, and her mom would be furious if she found out she was skipping school.

The sound of the clock tower chiming snapped Ally out of her thoughts, urging her to make her way up the path and steps to the library's entrance. She swung open the large green wooden doors and stepped inside, the scent of old books and polished wood filling her nose.

Making her way to the front desk, her white Reebok Freestyles squeaked on the checked linoleum floor with each step, drawing the attention of the librarian, Mrs. Jenkins. The brunette woman looked up from her work, setting her pencil down as her eyes met Ally's.

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